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I Was Just Falling Apart Until I read This Secret of Success.

This Secret of Success will change your Life

Photo by Guille Álvarez on Unsplash

I was trying hard for everything, doing hard work, and managing everything properly. But success was running away from me.

I was not able to get into a medical college despite studying hard.

Until I read one story that changed my life, the way I looked for success

What is the secret of success?

Let me tell you a story that can help you discover the real secret of success.

A young man asked Socrates, What is the secret of success? Socrates smiled and told him to meet him near the river the next morning.

The young man came early in the morning near the banks of the river to meet Socrates and get an answer to this question. Socrates asked the man to follow him into the river, and they walked towards the water step by step.

When the water was up to their necks, Socrates once ducked Youngman into the water by holding his neck. The man struggled a lot to get out of the water, but Socrates was strong enough to let him be in the water till the young man started turning blue.

After struggling hard, he finally managed to get up. He took a deep breath to inhale some air immediately.

He looked toward Socrates, and Socrates asked, “What did you want the most when you were in the water?”

The man replied “Air”.

On this, Socrates said, “That’s the secret to success.

When you want something so badly, like air, you will get it. Because you will struggle for it, and this is the secret to success. There is no other secret that can help”.

When you want something from the core of your heart, you start working hard for it.

When you work for a goal only with the aim of achieving it, no one can stop you from achieving that goal.

Your burning desire is the driving force that leads to your success. If your desire is not strong enough, then in no way can you achieve success.

Sometimes, we fail because we are trying to achieve multiple things at a time and have spent our energy and time on all the goals at once. It can never happen.

You cannot drink water while breathing; you have to choose one thing over another.

The same is the case with goals. Prioritize and work for the most important one first. Spend your time and energy on one goal until you achieve it.

Goals must be created or designed according to SMART criteria. SMART — Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time Bound

You can achieve what you want if you work in a specified manner. Success is yours but you have to work accordingly.

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