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The author of the website content discusses the strategy of creating profitable, faceless TikTok accounts, sharing personal experience and examples, and offering resources for readers to learn more.


The website content details the author's journey with TikTok, starting from 2020 and leading to the creation of multiple faceless TikTok accounts that have garnered significant followings and profitability. The author explains that faceless accounts do not feature the creator's face and can be successful for various content styles, such as illustrative videos, product reviews, and informative content. Despite the potential challenges in building trust for high-ticket sales, the author emphasizes the viability of faceless accounts for affiliate marketing, product promotion, and securing brand deals. The article concludes with an invitation for readers to start their own faceless TikTok business using the author's ebook as a guide.


  • The author believes that TikTok can be a profitable platform for faceless content creators.
  • They suggest that TikTok is introvert-friendly, as demonstrated by the success of faceless accounts.
  • The author implies that showing one's face is not always necessary to build a successful online business, especially for lower-priced items or services.
  • Trust and relatability can still be established through faceless content by providing value, such as helpful tips or product demonstrations.
  • The author is enthusiastic about the potential of faceless TikTok accounts, encouraging readers to leverage this opportunity for online business and income generation.
  • They offer their own experience as evidence of the success one can achieve with faceless TikTok accounts, including the ability to land brand deals.
  • The author promotes their ebook as a valuable resource for those interested in starting their own faceless TikTok account, suggesting it contains strategies and insights that are not commonly known.

I teach people how to build profitable faceless TikTok accounts

Photo by Mika Baumeister on Unsplash

For me, it all started in 2020. There was this app going around called, TikTok.

I decided to give it a try and join.

Shortly after joining, I turned that account into my business account for my blog, Millennial Nextdoor.

Years later, it sits at nearly 100K followers.

The truth is, I’ve started tons of different TikTok accounts.

They all had one thing in common: they were faceless.

Why go faceless?

Is TikTok really introvert-friendly?

How much can you make with faceless TikTok accounts?

I’m going to pull back the curtain, answering all your questions on faceless TikTok. Keep reading…

What’s a faceless TikTok account?

It’s a TikTok account that doesn’t show your face. There are plenty of creative ways to create TikTok content without showing your face.

Here are some examples of how you can do it…

Draw it out

Screenshot of TikTok example

Steven does not have a faceless account but, he illustrates his quick lessons and points through drawing in many of his videos. This is one way to go faceless on TikTok.

Here are some more examples from his account…


You don’t have to be a great artist for this to work. You can literally jot down notes or share your story by writing it out, chicken scratch or not.

Review-style or demo content

This is an Amazon product review account. They test out and show Amazon products from Amazon kitchen favorites to Amazon gift ideas, and more.

This is not 100% faceless but, it can be!

This is just one of the first Amazon TikTok accounts I found! There are many out there that are 100% faceless.

For this account, many of their videos don’t show their face, just the product and hands.

Screenshot of TikTok example

More examples…

Screenshot of TikTok example

These are just two examples of faceless content styles you can adopt to avoid showing your face on TikTok. There are MANY, MANY MORE ways to do this!

Is faceless better?

It just depends.

Not always, to be honest, but, it definitely works.

An example of a time where a faceless account may not be better than an account with a face is if you are selling high-ticket products, like home appliances, furniture, or other expensive goods. Even real estate.

People want to know, like, and trust the person they are buying from.

Showing your face shows that trust, like you stand behind what you’re saying and you’re willing to show your face on the internet for it.

So, for high-ticket sales, it may not work the best but, there are plenty of other directions to go.

All kinds of TikTok accounts are faceless. Many are profitable. From accounts that promote affiliate products, sell products and services, e-commerce stores, you name it!

One of my faceless TikTok accounts rarely sells anything.

It just provides helpful tips and advice.

As a result, people follow, that account grew to over 100K followers fast and I get reached out to and land successful brand deals, which is one of the ways I monetize that account.

What’s next?

If you feel ready to start your faceless TikTok business, start now!

The biggest hurdle that can stand in your way is yourself.

Joining TikTok and creating content can happen free!

And, you can begin monetizing that TikTok account from day one!

To learn how to start, here’s my faceless TikTok ebook to share more on my strategies and reveal that secret money-making TikTok account of mine I just mentioned.

Or, you can get the book in my ebook bundle which includes 4 ebooks for one killer price.

Are you ready to start? What niche are you thinking about?

If you want to learn how I created a full-time income from a faceless Tik Tok channel, learn how you can build a profitable faceless Tik Tok channel of your own in my ebook.

Social Media
Make Money Online
Passive Income
Content Creation
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