avatarJo Ann Harris, Writer of Daily Musings


I Remember . . .

Free Verse Poem

Photo by Karl Abuid on Unsplash

Building a life through strife and worry. A life that would scurry from view.

I was strong then and worked. But now can’t contend with financial reprimands.

Trying to keep from overdrafts and unpaid bills is getting me down so all I do is worry and frown.

Where did my life go? I have nothing to show that I actually was here. No house, no spouse. Just here.

Thank goodness, I had children who still love me in my old age; that help when they can.

When you retire with nothing, self-esteem and self-worth goes away. You feel like dirt and want to hide because you can’t care for your family anymore and that was your worth.

You may have been married a few times but got nothing but debt in return; such times.

Your retirement payout didn’t last very long. It was a disguise of worth. It filled a need at the time and now it’s gone.

I won’t say I am unhappy but feeling sappy as I sometimes do.

I am blessed so I shouldn’t feel stressed when life gets bad and I am sad for it. I have a roof over my head and something to eat. My children can’t be beat!

So when you are down don’t frown. Count your blessings! Be free!

Jo Ann Harris is an author, parent, book devotee, writer, copywriter, and film fanatic. She is an autodidact who learns about everything and rows her own boat. She grew up and worked in Atlanta, Georgia and lived there sixty years. She writes articles about love, hope, personal life stories, advice and poems. She is a published author with an article in Woman’s World magazine in October, 2017.

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