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I Published My Article In One Of The Most Popular Publication. Here Is What Happened

It’s not what you think

Photo by Andreas Kind on Unsplash

Everyone wants to publish in popular publications because it gives you an opportunity to reach a larger audience.

I have been publishing my articles with Illumination mostly. However, I wanted to publish my article in one of the most popular journals like Better Advice.

I submitted my articles four times and they got rejected all 4 times. Finally, my fifth attempt got the success. My article was finally accepted by the editor. Here is the article:

I was so happy once I published the article. I thought that my articles would get many views because of the large following of the publication.

However, to my surprise, I failed. And I failed poorly. These are my story stats if you are wondering:

Screenshot by Author

That’s it, yeah. I got only 36 views despite the large following of the publication.

This just shows that you don’t need to run after the popular publications. Just focus on writing great content.

These are the lessons I learned from this:

  1. Don’t get disappointed if your articles are not getting accepted in large publications.
  2. Focus on improving your content and writing skills. These two things will make you a great writer.
  3. Don’t have too big expectations as it leads to disappointment when things don’t go your way.
  4. Popular publications also have thousands of writers so it’s really hard to make a place there. Instead, publish in smaller publications as you can make your place there.
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