avatarJothi PM


A person reflects on the need to earn an additional $17.72 per month to justify their spending and plans to use Medium as a platform to achieve this goal through blogging.


On a cloudy day, the author is inspired to take out the garbage, which leads to a moment of introspection about their financial habits. They reveal a desire to spend 212 without their husband's knowledge and devise a plan to earn 17.72 monthly to offset this spending within a year. The author considers starting a blog on Medium, attracted by the platform's aesthetic appeal and the potential to share engaging stories. They mention taking advantage of a 14-day free trial to test their commitment to blogging and promise to update readers on whether they will continue post-trial. The author also solicits applause for their writing, indicating a desire for reader engagement and feedback.


  • The author acknowledges their impulsive spending habits and the need to earn money independently to balance their finances.
  • They exhibit self-awareness and a sense of responsibility by planning to cover their spending through future earnings.
  • The author values the visual appeal of their blog, aiming to provide an "aesthetic experience" with a color scheme of lavender and peach.
  • There is a hint of apprehension about the sustainability of their blogging interest beyond the free trial period.
  • The author seeks validation and community support, as evidenced by their request for readers to tap claps and their intention to keep readers informed about their blogging journey.

I need to earn at least $17.72 per month

Image designed by Jothi PM using canva

It is a cloudy day. I stare out of the windows of my living room and smell something weird — Oh, it's the garbage from the kitchen. I run to it and take it out. I unlatch all the locks of our main door (cluck! cluck! cluck!).

Here I stand at the entrance of our beautiful house with a door having star glasses painted red and blue on the top. I step out, Oh! I’m on gravel. There is a breeze that gives me chills. I hear the noise. My Portuguese neighbour is rushing to work ignoring their dogs barking.

I want to say “hi”. They get in the car and take off. I say to myself, “Never mind”. I’m going to throw the garbage into the bin (wait a sec, Is it a black or a blue bin?). This garbage smells bad so it should go to black (What a smart little brain I have!).

There I threw it and came inside the house.

Spending $212 has nothing to do with throwing out garbage. I have had this itch for a long time to spend this much money. I’m uncontrollable and selfish. Before my husband finds this out, I need to start earning 17.72 dollars per month so in the next 12 months, I will make up for my spending today. I choose Medium for this goal.

Sorry I said, I spent. No, I did not. I was almost going to make the payment. There it was, “14 days free Trial”. I’m taking the trial now to see if I still have this fire to launch my blog coloured in lavender and peach. yes, I’m all in for giving my readers an aesthetic experience and writing mind-boggling stories.

Will I make the payment after 14 days? I will surely let you know.

Please tap claps. Thanks for reading!

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