

I Miss The Way Things Used To Be

A short story

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I never thought I’d feel lonely in a relationship.

But here I am, sitting on the edge of our bed, tears silently streaming down my face as I feel the growing distance between us.

You’re present in body, but emotionally, it feels like you’re miles away.

The silence in the room is deafening, broken only by the soft sound of my own steady breaths.

I cast a glance towards you, hoping to find comfort in your presence, but you remain lost in your own world, a world that seems to grow further and further apart from mine with each passing moment.

When we first met, everything was different.

You used to go out of your way to make me feel special, to show me how much you cared.

You’d bring me flowers just because, leave little love notes for me to find, and hold me tight whenever I needed comfort.

You used to tell me everything, excited to share the events of your day, the dreams you had at night, and even the mundane details that most would overlook.

But what really got me every time was your homecoming routine.

The way you’d burst through the door after a long day, that smile stretching from ear to ear.

It was infectious.

And the first thing you’d do? Wrap me up in the tightest embrace, sealing it with a kiss that felt like coming home.

Our connection felt effortless, like we were two puzzle pieces finally fitting together.

Those gestures meant the world to me, and I felt like the luckiest girl alive to have you in my life.

But lately, things have changed.

You’ve gotten comfortable, complacent even.

The flowers have stopped coming, the love notes have disappeared, and the warmth in your embrace feels more like a distant memory.

I miss the excitement of hearing about your day, the way your eyes would light up as you recounted even the most mundane details. But now, it’s like pulling teeth just to get a glimpse into your world.

And when you come home from work, you don’t look at me with that same happiness anymore.

I try to tell myself that it’s normal for relationships to evolve over time, that the fiery passion of the early days can’t be sustained forever.

But what can I do?

I miss the intimacy we once shared, the way we could talk for hours about everything and nothing. Now, even the simplest conversations feel strained, as if we’re both tiptoeing around the elephant in the room.

I miss the way things used to be.

I miss feeling like I was the most important person in your world, like nothing else mattered when we were together.

And now, as I sit here alone in our shared space, I can’t help but wonder if you still see me the same way you once did.

Do you still look at me with that same spark in your eyes, or have I become just another part of the scenery, taken for granted like the air we breathe?

I find myself longing for the person you used to be, the one who made me feel like I was the center of your universe. But no matter how hard I try, I can’t seem to reach you anymore. It’s like you’ve built walls around yourself, shutting me out and leaving me stranded on the other side.

I miss the way things used to be, the way you used to make me feel alive.

But I can’t keep holding onto a memory, a ghost of a love that once was. I need to face the truth, no matter how painful it may be.

Because as much as it hurts to admit, I can’t keep holding onto a love that only exists in my memories.

So please, tell me the truth.

Are you still the person I fell in love with, or have you become someone else entirely?

I understand that life gets busy, that responsibilities pile up, and that sometimes, we forget to prioritize the things that matter most. But please, don’t let your love fall victim to the chaos of everyday life.

Let’s reignite that spark — the one that brought you together in the first place. Let’s make each other feel special, cherished, and loved, just like you used to.

Because when you love someone, truly love them, you don’t let the romance fade away. You put in effort every single day, because you know that’s what it takes to keep the flame alive.

So let’s make a promise — to each other, and to your love — that you’ll never stop trying, never stop caring, and never stop showing each other just how much you mean to one another.

Short Story
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