I may not know an obsequious person, but I do know a few arselickers
Delaney Patterson: Obsequious… well what am I going to do with this one?
You may not know any one who’s obsequious but I’m sure you all know an asskisser.
An obsequious person can also be called a bootlicker, a brownnoser or a toady. No wonder the word obsequious isn’t used very much. There are so many simpler words that mean the same thing.
Do I know anyone excessively eager and attentive to please or to obey instructions?
Do I know anyone who’s a sycophantic, smarmy, arselicker?
Well, no. But I can be really over-the-top pleasant to people with power. I don’t mean politicians. I wouldn’t be friendly to the orange one if my life depended on it. On occasion, I have been super nice to airline officials, border guards and security personnel and immigration and quarantine officers. Even parking station attendants. Get my drift?
By nice, I mean either complimenting them or commiserating with them. Complimenting women on their nails or jewellery or commiserating on having to stand all day in this terrible weather. It’s more difficult to compliment a man. Showing an interest by asking questions such as “ How long have you been doing this job?” “ You must have started work when you were 5 years old.” Why do I subconsciously do this? Because I want to be processed quickly or not encounter any problems in boarding a flight.
I hate to admit I’m the obsequious one…