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The author reflects on the profound impact of love, loss, and loneliness through the recent experience of his wife's hospitalization.


The author shares a deeply personal account of his emotional journey while his wife was in the ICU for two weeks. He describes the intense loneliness and fear he felt during her absence, which led him to contemplate the significance of their relationship. Reflecting on past losses, including the early deaths of his parents and uncle, he emphasizes that nothing has terrified him more than the thought of losing his wife. He acknowledges the little annoyances of daily life that now seem trivial in the face of potential loss. The experience has taught him to cherish their companionship and the support they provide each other. The author concludes by advising readers to appreciate and nurture their loving relationships, as he has come to realize the true value of his partnership after nearly losing his wife.


  • The author believes that love and companionship are invaluable, having experienced profound loneliness and fear when his wife was hospitalized.
  • He values the everyday interactions and distractions provided by his wife, recognizing their importance in his life.
  • The author expresses gratitude for his wife's support during a difficult period in his life before they were married, suggesting

I have been Thinking About Love, Loss, and Loneliness

My wife was in ICU for two weeks

Photo by Klaus Nielsen from Pexels

I’m sitting in the bedroom at my desk, I’m anxiously waiting for my wife to come home from the hospital. She has been in the hospital for two weeks. This is the second time in two months that she had to go in an ambulance.

Being alone while my wife was in the hospital sucked

I have been home alone with the TV off most of the time. I have had a lot of time to think about love and loss. This isn’t the first time someone close to me has been sick. My parents died too young from cancer. My uncle Richard died in front of me while I was looking him in the eyes. All these deaths hurt me, but nothing has hurt and scared me like almost losing my wife.

I can’t imagine life without her

I don’t want to think about what it would have been like if she wasn’t coming home. Her absence this past ten days has driven me close to going nuts. I miss the TV being on at full volume all the time. I miss the constant distractions when I’m trying to write. She is forever needing help with something or she wants me to reach something in a cabinet she’s too short to reach.

I know I will be more patient in the future

All those things irritated me no end, but damn, I missed her and all her distractions. I look back at my life before we started talking to each other on Facebook. I was lonely and miserable. I was going through a bad time in my life and Olivia helped me get through it. I don’t know if I would have ended up in jail or worse. If I hadn’t met her

We are here for each other

She has always been there for me, even before we met in person she had my back. I will do anything for her, and I know she would do anything for me. I don’t believe that people are supposed to be alone. We are much better when we have a partner to look after us and give us the side-eye when we say or do something stupid.

The thought of her not leaving the hospital alive terrified me

I had never known real fear until the day she collapsed in front of me and I had to call 911. There were a few days last week that I thought I would soon be a widower. What would I do without Olivia? I can’t imagine living without her.

We were meant to be together

I was single and alone for most of my adult life. I thought I would die alone, and I was cool with that. I made half-hearted attempts at finding a relationship, but it never worked out. We found each other without knowing what we were looking for. If you have someone that loves you. Show them every day that you love them, put up with their nonsense, and do your best to ignore your in-laws.

Final thought:

Having someone to love is an awesome and special thing, so don’t take them for granted. Put up with the nonsense and forgive. Put in the work of building a good relationship. I almost lost the love of my life, it reinforced my love for her. Please don’t make the mistake of taking your partner for granted. Love each other while you still can.

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