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I Hate the Scientific Path to a Life of Bliss

The universe reacts differently to you

Photo by Karsten Winegeart on Unsplash

I’m not a scientist, but I love that, for the most part, of many things, science is direct and helps prove a reason for happiness.

1. How you can live long if you eat right.

A CNN post blog states how people can almost escape cancer by eating more legumes, nuts, and vegetables.

People who more carefully followed any of the healthy eating patterns — which all share a focus on consuming more whole grains, fruits, vegetables, nuts, and legumes — were also less likely to die from cancer, cardiovascular illness, and respiratory and neurodegenerative disease. — Sandee Lamotte


2. How you can create boundaries, even amongst friends.

The Verywell Health paper finds that writing your boundaries before saying them works like magic for anyone.

If setting a boundary makes you nervous, write out what you want to say beforehand or practice stating a boundary in the mirror. Keep it simple: Less is more with boundary setting. — Michelle Brooten

All leading to a life of bliss and happiness. Meanwhile, over time, I’ve found that it is not the best construct to imagine there is one way to a life of bliss.

When I think of it deeply, the idea of a scientific path to a life of bliss may not have a universally agreed thought.

Still, I can only think that science provides evidence-based practice to live life.

Of course, we can also be easily tricked or convinced to imagine this.

The thought of ancestral lifestyle is passed on from one generation to another.

  • I was told not to drink for too long at a bar because my grandpa was allegedly poisoned in the same scenario.
  • I was made to attend school, read books, and be generic — like my older cousins, uncles, and aunties. They all achieved a decent life with the same lifestyle, so why not?

Note: We are all main characters in our own stories. Not all advice would work for you as they did for others.

An evidence-based path or scientific life is not the only way to a life of bliss.

I’ve been off Medium for a while now, and it is all because I lost a friend. A friend that wasn’t so close but whose life and short time in existence made me see a new dimension in life.

Not all evidence-based advice would work for you.

Now, I hate the scientific path to a life of bliss.

For most things, don’t live your life as per the advice of other people and how things worked for them.

Your story and path is different. Your clock ticks differently, and the universe reacts differently to you.

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