avatarDon Martin, real-life writer


Don Martin, an author and humorist based in Nashville, TN, discusses his aversion to editing and proofreading, the process of writing his latest book, and invites readers to provide feedback via email.


Don Martin, a prolific writer and humorist living in Nashville, Tennessee, expresses his distaste for the editing process, which he finds unavoidable in his writing career. Despite the necessity of editing, he utilizes tools like Grammarly and Google Docs to assist him with his latest book's first draft. He openly admits to not being overly fond of the writing process either, due in part to his limited typing ability resulting from a disability. Martin is eager to share his new work with readers, offering a PDF copy in exchange for their constructive feedback, which he plans to feature on his website. The book is expected to be ready by mid-October. He encourages readers to subscribe to his newsletter, join his Rough Crowd for writing tips, and engage with his content by sharing it with friends.


  • Don Martin dislikes editing and proofreading, a sentiment he suggests may be shared among other writers and authors.
  • Despite the challenges, he takes pride in his writing and actively seeks reader feedback to improve his work.
  • He values the input of his audience, offering a trade of his writing for their honest opinions.
  • Martin acknowledges his slow writing pace due to typing with one hand but remains committed to his craft, pushing through imposter syndrome.
  • He promotes his writing and encourages others to join Medium and subscribe to his newsletter for more insights and content.

I Hate Editing My Writing

Knowing I can’t avoid it.

Photo by Patrick Tomasso on Unsplash

I am not speaking for all writers, only me.

Photo by Patrick Tomasso on Unsplash

You guys know I try to write every day.

I try to write in this blog daily, but my stuff is more stream-of-consciousness than planned out. And sometimes, I feel I can do better with the discipline of having a few departments to fill, than starting over each day.

That way it looks like the back mailman’s view of an apartment mailbox. There are small squares with items in them. Different items usually, but refilled with a different item when emptied.

So Sunday will have a book report- not like the ones you had to do in school, but more a report on my books and how they are progressing.

Today’s inaugural book report is about “The Ten-Minute Book.”

I am trying to make it available by time for Christmas shopping. Thanks for asking!

I hate editing & proofreading!

I would not be so bold as to speak for all writers and authors, but I’m gonna stick my neck out, and say none of us like editing.

But I am in that process with my latest book- trying to finish my first draft.

Devices and programs can help. I do use Grammarly and Google Docs, and I try to listen to their advice along with my own corrections unless I disagree with them substantially. I am the one always correcting your grammar and pointing out that apostrophes are not needed in the plural forms of most words. I have been known to slap people who split infinites.

I’m not even that crazy about writing, either.

I type with one hand ( although lefty is starting to come back some ) and it’s very slow at times. Of course, it’s not as slow as handwriting. I love it when a piece of writing is finished, and the imposter syndrome in me tells me it’s not very good, I keep on keeping on.

Therefore, I am anxious to share with you my newest work. My address is [email protected] I will happily trade you a pdf copy of it in return for your reading it and telling me what you think about it, for me to put on my website.

I need to say here that it won’t be ready to send to you until mid-October.

Also, I must ask you to comment on anything here. I would, of course, love it if you would share it with your friends.

Thanks for reading!

The Accidental Author, Don Martin, can be found HERE. Subscribe and “make something of yourself.” -your mom

Don’s a keen observer and prolific reporter of truth, common sense, humor, & life. He’s a WRITER and humorist, sometimes serious, sometimes tongue-in-cheek. He lives in Nashville, TN. He publishes every weekday morning.

From here… https://donmartinstoryteller.substack.com/

Are you thinking about freeing your inner writer and starting to make some money ASAP? Take these four steps right now.1)Go to my Profile Page, at Don Martin, and check out more of the dumpster fire I call my writing portfolio. It’s all there.2) Sign on with Medium so you can participate in what I believe is the easiest and best place to get published. 3)Envelope Subscribe to the service that takes my new stories to your inbox.4)Join my Rough Crowd for ongoing writing tips from a quasi-professional — receive my simple writing blueprint to follow for FREE.

Hey Don, I like your writing and want to learn more from you.

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