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I Finally Decoded the Correct Manifestation Technique Based on Ancient Sacred Texts

There is one thing missing in the law of attraction and the Ancient knew it!

Photo by Илья Мельниченко on Unsplash

I spent New Year’s Eve in a hospital bed, fighting against a severe form of the flu. Apparently, it had infected my brain.

The doctors were worried and so they did a bunch of tests. To their surprise, my brain showed an enormous activity despite lacking oxygen, as if I was solving a complex problem.

And indeed, I was!

While in a daze, my brain was receiving flashes of clarity about ancient sacred texts talking about manifestation. At the hospital, the secret to the law of attraction was not a secret anymore for my brain.

A lot of things we read about the law of attraction won’t work because they are missing ONE thing that ancient sacred texts (the Tantras, the Yoga Sutras and the Kabbalah) understood.

Manifesting your reality in 3D is actually very simple if you follow the 4 keys below.

Give them a try and thank me later.

1. Include everyone in your manifestation

The Tantras see human consciousness as a piece of fabric with threads interlaced. These threads are the sum of all our individual consciousness. In other words, for the Tantras, everything affects everything else and everything is interconnected.

Outside of the Tantras, we normally think that the human consciousness is:

  1. Isolated from other people’s minds
  2. Located in our brain
  3. Isolated from the rest of the body

But for the Tantras, our human consciousness is everywhere in our body AND, it is not isolated from the field of supra-consciousness, from other people’s minds.

This explains why there is one thing that makes the law of attraction inefficient.

Very often, people will manifest an intention without thinking of how it will affect other people.

Their intention is purely material, so purely with the goal of fulfilling the ego’s desire. And that doesn't work.


To be an effective manifester, include how your intention will positively affect those around you because we are all interconnected.

2. Manifest from a place of love and compassion

Yoga is not only asanas (positions). It is a way of living life described in the yoga sutras, which include a moral discipline (Yama) and its observances (Niyama).

In the Yama and Niyama, we talk a lot about love and its creative power. Haven’t you felt like you could do anything when you’re in love? Love is the energy of creation. It gives you wings. You can do anything thanks to pure love.

Now, take a moment to think about the qualities and characteristics of that pure love. The primary characteristic of this pure love is compassion, forgiveness, and inclusion.

It is selfless.

Love, the energy of creation, is something accessible to you. It exists within you and it loves everyone and everything. It sees everyone and everything as a part of its own self.

Again, your manifestation should be loving and inclusive of all.

The Kabbalists knew that one person’s intention can create change in the world. This is why they teach that when you pray (or wish for something), you should not pray for yourself alone. If you are praying for a soulmate, for instance, you might say,

“There are so many people waiting for their soul mate. May they find their soulmate and may I be included among them.”

That’s the way it works.


To become a powerful manifestor, embody this compassionate attitude of true love in your manifestation. It means you have to include and care for all beings, including yourself, in your intention.

3. Manifest with gratitude

There is an extra element we have to add to become a powerful and divine manifestor. You have to manifest with gratitude. It's classic.

However, the way most people practice gratitude is inefficient. You have to 'contemplate' with gratitude instead of meditating on it.

Meditation is a disconnection from our environment. Contemplation, instead, is an interaction with our environment. Contemplating with gratitude means:

  • Keep your eyes open and stay connected with your environment while feeling gratitude,
  • Bring awareness to everything and everyone that will positively be affected by your intention,
  • Think of how your intention makes you feel, your body sensations

During your contemplation, I’d encourage you to listen to some mantras. They are absolute sounds, with no conventional meaning, and they work on the body and the mind because of their vibrational quality. Their vibrations act on the sympathetic system and endocrine glands and act like a wifi extender.

Mantra all has one thing in common — they vibrate between 4 and 8 Hz — also called theta waves. Theta waves are associated with sleep in the rapid eye movement or REM phase and creativity.

If you don't have a mantra available to you, you can replace it with listening to theta waves during your manifestation process.


Find some background music with theta waves on Spotify and use it for your manifestation. OM, the primordial sound, the original vibration, the seed syllable of the Universe is one powerful mantra. You can listen to OM during your manifestation.

4. Manifest core values rather than physical things

Last but not least, mostly when we think about manifestation, we think about material things.

I want to manifest making 10,000$ on Medium. I want a new car.

That’s what the law of attraction tells you to do, right? However, let me introduce you to another idea from the Tantras.

Our outer world reflects our internal world. The macrocosm is a reflection of the microcosm. Like the reflection of a mirror. What we’re seeing outside in 3D is a reflection that is formed by an image of our internal world.

And when we want to change the mirror, it is pointless to try to shatter it. You have to change the image you’re presenting in front of the mirror.

For that, you have to present a different image to the mirror by acting like it is already there.

Now, here’s the thing. You can’t violate the laws of nature and just make everything manifest instantaneously and pretend it is here, reflected in your mirror.

This is why it is pointless to write material things directly in your intention.

Instead, identify the values you need to manifest those physical things with your own will because you can embody those values from today with no delay!


What you have to do now is define your intention by focusing on the values you need to manifest your intention with your own will and efforts.

Here is a concrete example of my personal intention.

I’m deeply grateful for the ability to contribute to this world by being able to share 10% of my income each month with my parents. It brings me deep joy to see them receiving a little extra cash every month so that they can find ease in their retirement.

[#1 Include everyone + #2 Love & compassion + #3 Manifest with gratitude]

I’m thriving as a tantra teacher. I have 50 people joining my weekly workshops and 4 new one-on-one clients every month. People benefit deeply from my workshop and they can have a thriving and fulfilling relationship and intimacy.

[#1 Include everyone + #2 Love & compassion]

I'm grateful I've learned to practice patience, courage, discipline, integrity and consistency, which helped me grow my business and bring more clients to me.

[#4 Include core values]"

So now, it’s your turn.

Define your intention. You can’t manifest something if you’re not clear about what you want to manifest. Then, go and contemplate what you’ve written while listening to some theta waves.

Please share your intention with me in the comments!

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This Happened To Me
Law Of Attraction
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