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The author discusses the challenges of living without a car, emphasizing the social resistance encountered when sharing their personal success with this lifestyle choice.


The article titled "ENVIRONMENTALISM | WALKING" and subtitled "I Could NEVER Give up My Car" delves into the author's experience of living car-free by choice. The author enjoys sharing personal achievements, including how a 30-minute walk has become a norm and the financial benefits of not owning a car, despite increased spending on shoes and public transportation. However, the most difficult aspect is not the lifestyle change itself but the defensive reactions from others when the author shares their story. The author clarifies that they are not judgmental of others' choices, such as owning chickens or buying organic, and values friendship above lifestyle differences. They express a desire for mutual support and happiness for each other's choices, regardless of how unconventional they may seem. The article concludes with a book recommendation and mentions of affiliate links for purchases.


  • The author finds joy in sharing personal stories and achievements with friends and expects a supportive response.
  • They experience frustration when others react defensively to their car-free lifestyle, mistakenly thinking the author is suggesting they should also give up their car.
  • The author emphasizes that their story is not a critique of others' choices but simply what works for them personally.
  • They express that lifestyle choices are individual and that there is no one-size-fits-all approach; what matters is how these choices impact one's own life.
  • The author values friendship and does not want lifestyle choices to interfere with personal relationships.
  • They advocate for mutual respect and happiness for one another's lifestyle decisions, even when they differ significantly.
  • The author discloses that they benefit financially from not owning a car, despite some increased expenses in other areas.
  • They recommend the book "Eat that Frog! by Brian Tracy" and provide affiliate links, indicating that they receive a commission from purchases made through these links without affecting the buyer's price.


I Could NEVER Give up My Car

The hardest thing about giving up my car is other people’s reaction when I’m sharing MY story.

Image created by Ann Leach

I love sharing my stories with friends and acquaintances. Don’t you?

Sharing a funny story, something surprising, and accomplishments with others is exciting. It’s a way of putting energy into the relationships which keeps them running smoothly.

And yes I’ll admit, when I share some good news, I am looking for a small pat on the back or even a small celebration because I’m happy with the outcome and proud of my success! Seems normal to me!

So when I share my story of living (by choice) without a car, how my mindset has grown from thinking a 10-minute walk was a big deal to now thinking a 30-minute walk is a good warm-up, or how much money I save overall even though I spend more on shoes and public transportation than I did when I had a car, please just be happy for me!

The absolute hardest thing about not owning a car is when I share my successes with friends and acquaintances and they get defensive!

“I could NEVER give up my car!” *I didn’t suggest you should.

“I could NEVER shop at the grocery store every day.” *I’m not talking about you.

Know this, I’m just sharing what works for me. Because I’m living in an experiment. I’ve stepped way outside the mainstream norms and it’s working! For me, it’s working. I’m surprised and extremely happy.

I’m not saying anything about your lifestyle choices. Honestly, I have enough going on managing my own. I seriously don’t have the time or energy to form an opinion about yours. I’m not judging you!

You make lifestyle choices that I could NEVER make (keeping chickens, buying organic everything), and guess what?! That’s okay. We are both making the best choices that we can at this moment in time. Neither of us is right or wrong except in how our individual choices impact our individual lives.

I love your lifestyle choices and I’m happy for you. Please just be happy for me.

I value your friendship. I’m not going to blow it up over lifestyle choices! I mean, come on!

Just be my friend and be happy for me. That’s all I’m looking for. And I’m more than happy to do that for you. Okay? Okay.

Love you!

Book recommendation: Eat that Frog! by Brian Tracy*

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*Links to items or events are affiliate links and I will receive a small commission when you make a purchase. This does not affect the price you pay. Thank you.

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