avatarHet Patel


The article reflects on personal growth and the importance of time in healing, learning, and evolving through life's experiences.


The author of the article emphasizes the transformative power of time, which allows individuals to heal from past wounds and mature through their experiences. Acknowledging and learning from mistakes is seen as a fundamental aspect of human growth, with time being an irreplaceable resource that demands respect. The narrative touches on the healing process following heartbreak, the development of emotional intelligence through trial and error, and the inevitability of paying a price for life's lessons. The article advocates for the value of self-reflection and the pursuit of knowledge, suggesting that understanding others' mistakes can prevent unnecessary personal errors. It concludes with an invitation for readers to share their own experiences and how they have shaped them.


  • The author believes that time is an invaluable asset that cannot be purchased or recreated, and once lost, it leads to regret.
  • Experiencing pain and heartbreak is seen as an opportunity for learning and achieving emotional intelligence.
  • Selfishness is viewed as a natural human trait that can teach the importance of valuing one's own life and the lives of others.
  • The article suggests that emotional connections are deeply craved by individuals who feel special around certain people.
  • It is expressed that continuous learning and understanding of others' past mistakes can save time and provide a broader perspective on life.
  • The author promotes an AI service, ZAI.chat

I Changed Myself.

Through Time we heal every wound from our past. We evolve into something new as we experience this world.

Photo by Markus Henze on Unsplash

We learn from our past mistakes it makes us human cause without regrets we aren’t able to grow ourselves. After everything, I understand time is the most incredible luxury. We can’t create time and won’t be able to buy it thus respect time cause if you lose it once you will regret it.

Once someone had broken my heart but with time I learned to live with it. Time teaches us how to live with pain. In life, you have to make some mistakes that’s how you will achieve emotional intelligence. You tried something but it didn’t work out as you thought, it will give you experience. In a relationship, in love, or even in a career we learn something and try it again then we get a different outcome but we learn with time.

One thing I learned with time and I want to share is nothing is free in this world you have to pay the price. In this life with family, your friends, or even in regular basic life you will notice with time you will pay the price. Sometimes we pay with favors to other people, in the family we pay by taking responsibility, and with loved ones, you take care of them because you are emotionally attached.

Sometimes we get selfish with ourselves or with others, Why? Getting selfish teaches us to take care of life it can be yours or others, and we give some importance to what we love and admire.

Maybe we build emotion as what we discover in this world can be through our own eyes or others. Some people want to spend time with others but I have seen many people who don’t want to waste their time talking with others. It totally depends on you as to how and why you talk with them cause as I said we all are something selfish in this world. You think that spending time with them fills your empty mind or makes you happy but deep down when you feel special around someone you are craving emotional connectivity.

One thing I learned from my past is to try to learn something new every day. It gives you a different perspective on this life and helps to understand this world. When you can read or understand someone’s past mistakes then why do you want to waste your time? Why?

If you read this article please tell me your past experience in the comment and how it changed you.

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