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I celebrate my gains

Photo by Rakicevic Nenad from Pexels

If I choose to focus on what I lack, I only lose what I have Nothing seems to be ever enough.

I only keep thinking about the next unreached achievement And in the run making happiness an enormous burden.

This keeps me from appreciating life. It makes me toxic No matter how many steps I take, the horizon always seems a bit away.

Until I discovered to focus on what I have — all the experiences, the lessons, and the insights I realized I could create instant happiness.

I now pay attention to every little moment in my life, the countless experiences And celebrate the events that define me. I mark each milestone. And ponder the lessons that it teaches me.

I acknowledge that change is inevitable And I embrace the opportunities for transformation. I open up my mind to possibilities. Connecting me to myself and my own progress.

I welcome the rites of passage I savor the stages of life. Thinking about how far I have come. Helps me expand my happiness.

I see new progress every day I play my own game. I find meaning in milestones. I define what my own experiences mean. Piece by piece, I transform myself.

Thinking about how far I have come Illuminates the path ahead of me. Giving me the appreciation and encouragement And all the gratitude I need.

Today, I celebrate my gains Instead of constantly seeking to curtail the gap. I find the courage to reinvent myself. And enjoy the journey in between one and the next.


  1. Why am I mostly not happy?
  2. What is the next milestone I am looking forward to?
  3. Is the pursuit of this happiness stopping me from appreciating my life now?
  4. How can I start appreciating what I have already accomplished?
Life Lessons
Life Coaching
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