avatarNedelcu Alina


I Cannot, Yet I Can


Photo by Marc-Olivier Jodoin on Unsplash

I cannot halt the wind’s waltz through the leaves, I cannot prevent the fall, as autumn weaves. I cannot quell the hues, rich and warm, I cannot defeat memories, or let them stray far from the norm.

I cannot sever tree roots, deeply embedded in the earth, I cannot halt the rain, each drop is a testament to rebirth. I cannot cease time’s relentless flow, I cannot bring back days, let them in my path glow.

I cannot impede dawn, thwart the sunrise, I cannot alter the past, with regrets that disguise. I cannot extinguish the fire in your fervent gaze, I cannot bury emotions, under words with an obsolete phrase.

I cannot stop the stars from shining in the night, I cannot prevent waves from breaking, meeting the shore with might. I cannot slow down my heart’s rhythmic beat, I cannot bring back days, rewind moments sweet.

I cannot hinder the course of the morning light, I cannot change the past, with tangled strands of might. I cannot dampen the twinkle in your eyes so bright, I cannot conceal feelings, under words that seem trite.

I cannot prevent time from ticking away, I cannot erase your smile, as colorful as a sunlit array. I cannot stop dreams from turning into reality, I cannot cease to feel, to love, to breathe, to live with vitality.

So, despite all the “I can not” that persist, Life flows an endless river of colors and scents, a continuous twist. I cannot alter the past, but I can shape the now, With hope that the future will be brighter somehow, blessed by a celestial vow.

Photo by Camila Cordeiro on Unsplash

I cannot change what’s written in the stars, I cannot undo the bruises and the scars. I cannot halt the whispers of the passing breeze, I cannot rewrite the script, with its unforeseen degrees.

I cannot still the echoes of a bygone song, I cannot rewrite history when things go wrong. I cannot hold back the moon in its nightly climb, I cannot undo the passage of moments, frozen in time.

I cannot silence the questions that linger, I cannot escape the pull of destiny’s finger. I cannot pause the ticking of the clock, I cannot escape the labyrinth, the winding block.

I cannot suppress the yearning in my chest, I cannot deny that I am put to the test. I cannot halt the march of seasons, swift and sure, I cannot erase the footprints that endure.

I cannot undo the choices that were made, I cannot retreat from the path that’s laid. I cannot ignore the lessons life imparts, I cannot escape matters of the heart.

Yet, within these limits, I find my way, Crafting a narrative, a tale to convey. In the realm of “I cannot,” I discover “I can,” Embracing the present as part of life’s plan.

I cannot predict what the future may unfold, But within each challenge, a story is told. In the tapestry of “I can not,” threads of strength, A resilient spirit, going to great lengths.

For in the canvas of impossibility, I paint my dreams with unwavering tenacity. I cannot change all that has come before, But I can shape tomorrow, open a new door.

So, in the chorus of “I cannot,” a melody, A symphony of resilience, a testament to me. I may not control every twist and turn, But in the dance of life, a chance to discern.

For every “I cannot” holds within, The seed of possibility, a chance to begin. In the tapestry of “I cannot,” I find, The strength to embrace life, unconfined.

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