I Can buy myself flowers.

For sure you have heard this song, if not then do it right now. it is amazing how this song can lift you up, even on my worst days, I know exactly what I should do, and what I should do is listen to this SONG.
It doesn't matter what you are going through, and NOT necessarily emotional issues as this song is referring to, but in fact in all KINDS of life aspects that make you feel down. loneliness, depression, anxiety, etc..
listen to this song while you clean your flat, while cooking, while working out, again it is amazing how this song is shifting my mind, I am even listening to it now while writing.
music is a true gift for all of us, it is a healing to our wounded hearts and sadness, if you feel down, don't seek but music, go deep and dig in this huge music library we have access to, and I am sure you will find that one song which makes you feel you are on the top of the plant.
as I have written and discussed in my previous articles regarding depression, no one on this planet can help you out but yourself, you need to know how you emotionally function, just understand who you are, who is your body, who is your brain, who is your heart, what exactly they need, it's all starting within yourself. As Miley says: I can buy myself, write my name on the sand talk to myself for hours, I can talk to myself things you don't understand, I can hold my hands, I can love me better babe, yeah I can love me better.
now go listen to that song, let me know if you think the same, and comment down your favorite motivational music. Stay safe and love yourself.