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I Analysed the Highest Paid Articles on Medium in the last 3 months. Here’s what I noticed

Source photo Businessman Kaufmann Money — Free photo on Pixabay — Pixabay

For every article I write I try to provide as much quality information as possible so I can’t say that for one article I was more involved and for another not. However some articles are better paid and others are not, so I started looking for the answer in my history and searched for the best paid articles of the last 3 months.

In November the highest paid article was How to reach at 100 Followers on Medium in less than 5 days in which I gave practical tips on how to reach this threshold in a very short time and also create a small community.

In December the best paid article was Why You Should Become “Friend of Medium” in which we presented why we chose to upgrade to Friend of Medium and why we think it is so important to do so as soon as possible. Although at the time I didn’t know how my earnings would be affected I thought the idea was an extremely good one and it turned out that I was right which I am so happy about.

In January the best paid article was I Earned 3x More With Friend of Medium in which I presented the results after the first month of using the Friend of Medium upgrade. Indeed the results were some incredible for the first month and I’m sure they will be extremely hard achieved again in the months to come.

What do all these articles have in common?

Immediately what you can see is that all of the articles offer practical, useful tips that I have tried and have worked. They weren’t general information about how you could become rich or a life story, they were just things that brought me success with evidence. I think that’s what makes the difference between a good article and a great one. Being able to show people practical things with evidence that worked for you.

Self Improvement
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