

I Am Who I Am

An Introduction to my Physical Being since I am yet in Pursuit of Real Me!


I was born in an Indian Hindu family. I am the youngest of my four siblings. Being youngest I got pampered a lot in a family. When I was in school in grade 7, I decided to pursue Aircraft Maintenance Engineering since I was fascinated with the airplane a lot. Many people ask me why I chose to be an aircraft engineer but not a pilot? The answer is my dreams are many times influenced by people around me. I was so influenced by someone that I pursue a career thinking it’s my passion.

Well, finally completed my school and as I planned a diploma in Aircraft Maintenance Engineering. I was excited, and all set for stage 2 of life.

Oh, I forget to explain what is stage 1, 2 & on…….!

As there is saying that there are four phases of life.

#Stage 1: Childhood & Education

#Stage 2: Early Adulthood & Self Discovery

#Stage 3: Contemplation & Benevolence

#Stage 4: Retirement & Wisdom

I want to introduce my journey so far through these stages. So, let’s continue….


Well, stage 2 was exciting. After the completion of my education, I landed in a completely new city. It was south of India. Since I was exploring myself, I decided not to be an aircraft engineer. Yep! You heard it right. You know I love this age of early twenties. The hormones are working like crazy, and so am I. I changed my mind and decided to be a technical writer and finally got my first job.

New Job, New Friends, New City, endless laughter, never ending days and boundless adventure.

I thought life is set, this is what I want, and this stage of life will never end. As I told you, hormones were working crazy. Very soon I fall in love with a dear friend of mine.

What to say about love and that too in the early twenties. We both were painting town in red. Every day was a new affair for us. Together we made a lot of mistakes, had a lot of good memories, grown in our careers, and thought we are mature now.

We were so lost in each other that 5 years passed and we forget to inform our families that we are in love.

Oh, I forget to tell you again that it is essential for families to know about their kids’ Love affairs in India.

Finally, we fought 2 years almost a battle with our families to get approval for marriage. Guess What we win the battle, and in 2016 we got married.

STAGE 2 Continues…..!

Well, Well, Well, I am in my early thirties now. The self-discovery mode is still going on. But now I am a bit calmer, taking less impulsive decisions, and I can say a little wiser. Thought of taking my professional career a notch up started pursuing master’s in business administration. I find solace in reading good books and writing. As my fascination with technology grew with age, I keep researching the latest technology and penning down my thoughts.

I believe, in a healthy body, live a happy soul. So, I practice meditation and yoga every day.

I firmly believe, hustle in life is much more adventurous and satisfying than the result. So, I can term myself as lifelong hustler, learner and in a journey to know Who Am I.

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