I Am Back From La La Land
Writing will never be my full-time job
In my daydreams, it goes something like this….
I am out in a log cabin in the woods, with my laptop and no people to distract me
I am living the dream like the writers you see in the movies.
I am writing my next big novel.
I don't have to worry about money and things because my needs and desires are met by the steady stream of income I earn writing.
Yeah, it was a nice fantasy and I tried to make that romantic idealism work for me on a few occasions.
I even went as far as to call my break from working a sabbatical of sorts.
It sounded better than being unemployed.
It is not that I didn't take my writing seriously.
For the most part, I remained consistent and utilized my time to write.
In a way, it was a sabbatical.
I knew I would be returning to a nine-to-five job eventually but I took a few months off to reestablish and to travel to Florida with my mom.
I took a few weeks off from writing to contemplate the meaning of life but the desire to write burned deep within my psyche.
Is it possible to get withdrawals from writing?
Even though I write like a content mill some days my earnings are minuscule.
I am not complaining.
To earn anything at all is such an amazing phenomenon.
However, there is a time to be realistic.
I can't live off 20-something dollars a month.
I am aware of the whole starving artist concept but I can't and won't live like that.
A side gig?
Writing for Medium is a wonderful way to subitize your already existing income.
For nearly a year I just wrote and let my earnings accumulate in my stripe account.
I didn't have a bank that supported Stripe so my earnings just sat there.
I still wrote.
Sometimes consistently sometimes only sporadically.
I had a steady job so my writing was for my need to write.
Earnings weren't a factor so much.
I just recently during my sabbatical so to speak cashed out the 320 dollars I accumulated over the course of a year and a half writing on medium.
In the grand scheme of things that is very little money but honestly that 300 saved me these past few months and I am so grateful for it.
I know some writers make a rather lucrative income writing for medium and other platforms and do well.
I am not bitter by any means.
I was inspired by them.
I don't have the knowledge and expertise to make heads or tails out of anything too techy.
I admire those who do and try to learn from them without losing sight of my own goals and objectives in the shuffle.
Writing for Medium and having a handful of people reading and providing feedback for my work is my dream come true
I am getting paid to do what I love most!
It's a feeling of elation at astronomical proportions.
I have something to look forward to.
I have something to work towards.
So no this will never be my full-time job but I will never stop working towards my dream.
Thanks for reading!
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