avatarLawson Wallace



I am a White Man She is a Black Woman We Get Along Fantastic

We have both learned Diplomacy

Our Wedding Picture ( Personal Photo)

It’s a typical evening in the Wallace apartment, Olivia is cooking one of her amazing dinners. She yells for me to come into the living room.

When I do, she tells me to turn on the tv. She wants to hear the news. I cringe as I pick up the remote and turn on the tv. I have learned to keep my mouth shut most of the time, but it doesn’t always work.

We love each other, but we’re so different

Olivia’s family and most of our church are Democrats. My parents were conservative Republicans. I’m my father’s son. I’m almost as conservative as he was.

I’m outspoken in my opinions on Social Media. Her friends and family often ask how we get along. It’s simple, we get along because we choose to.

It’s all about compromise

Choosing to get along means I have to keep my mouth shut when she praises Biden, or when she wants to watch CNN. We both know that we will believe what we want to believe.

No argument will change our beliefs. So, why argue and bring tension to the apartment? I’m different from my dad, I don’t have to win every argument. I don’t have to argue at all.

Sometimes it’s best to walk away

I have learned not to argue. I have also learned how to leave the room. I don’t care who gets shot, I will side with a police officer until proven otherwise.

Innocent until proven guilty applies to cops as well. Olivia doesn’t always see it that way. I don’t argue. I let it go.

I choose my battles, but most of the time I’m chill

I’m not a henpecked husband. I pick my battles. I don’t need to be always right, and I know that some beliefs are so deep that they will never change.

I have a few of those beliefs myself. I know that our differences have made our marriage stronger. I’m not as rough around the edges as I was.

That’s a big improvement right there

We go to church, and she has got me reading my Bible more often. Our relationship has changed Olivia as well. She has more self-confidence.

She says she is blessed to have me in her life. I know she has blessed me. The Race difference has made our marriage stronger. Marriages need compromise and communication.

Our differences made our bond stronger

The differences are so many. It takes a lot of giving and taking from both of us. We both have risen to the challenge. Neither one of us think about the Race thing.

We only talk about it when we get rare funny looks. We laugh about them. We got more looks when she flew to Minneapolis to see me. In the South, it’s not that big of a deal.

In Conclusion:

Inter-racial marriages can work, and they can work when the couple lives in the American South. Like all relationships, it takes work. The hard work makes the relationship more satisfying.

It takes patience and understanding, but it’s worth it. Marrying Olivia was the best thing I ever did in my life. My advice, if you meet and fall in love, get married. Don’t worry about Race. You both can work it out.

Interracial Marriage
Cultural Differences
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