avatarBryce Zabel


Humankind’s Hail Mary Play

It may turn out that the only thing that can let us see our similarities over our differences is a robust transparency on the UFO/UAP issue.

Yes, as a journalist by training and experience, I’m still obligated to say that we don’t know exactly what the explanation for the UFO/UAP issue actually is.

Thanks to the four shoot-downs of early February, more than a few people are ready to say that it looks like it’s either Chinese balloons or drones, and get back to their lives.

But unless China (which didn’t have an Air Force until 1949) was flying drones back in 1945 when pilots saw foo fighters, or 1946 when Sweden saw ghost rockets, or 1947 when Americans started seeing flying saucers, we need to strongly consider looking beyond the usual suspects for an explanation. There have been hundreds of thousands (and probably millions) of UFO sightings in the years since the end of World War II. Unless we choose to believe that the Chinese have developed time traveling drones, that just can’t be the explanation.

We need to stop screwing around if there actually is evidence that we are in the middle of some kind of contact scenario with one or more Non-Human Intelligences. If that’s the case, then this really can’t wait much longer.

The world today lives with a climate crisis that’s only going to get worse, wars that pit nuclear armed nations against each other, refugees in growing numbers all over the planet, political instability that could end democracy, species extinction, scarcity, pollution, and new issues like artificial intelligence and cloning. It’s a lot.

With all that on our plates, who has time for anomalous technology that’s intelligently controlled? It’s fair comment and an understandable reaction, but it’s wrong.

We need to get this truth out, whatever it is, and start to deal with it.

Disclosure on the UFO/UAP issue may be humankind’s Hail Mary play.

The bottom line is bound to be stranger than we can imagine, reality threatening, and perhaps existentially frightening. Whatever the down-side, it’s the only possible matter that could cause humans to realize that there is more that unites us than divides us.

While so many voices on this issue are understandably concerned about cases, witnesses, and physical artifacts, I believe it’s also right that we spend a little more time talking about how Disclosure, while risky, is more important than ever before. And about how the changes it’s going to bring with it are necessary, or at least unavoidable.

It’s simply immoral, given the immensity of the challenges facing the human species, to let this suppression of facts and evidence continue much longer.

Along with my Need to Know co-host Ross Coulthart, we’ve talked with multiple insiders who say they want to tell their stories about legacy programs created to deal with this issue, but have been prevented from doing so because of classification and NDAs. It will take courage for them to come forward publicly, but that’s what must happen, and Congress, thankfully, has passed legislation to make it easier.

Now’s the time to encourage those men and women who are currently managing the secrecy that chokes this issue today to put humankind on this inevitable journey of discovery as expeditiously as possible. These managers (whoever they are these days) have had many, many decades to get ready. It’s time.

As for the rest of us… people get ready.

For regular insight into the UFO/UAP issue, check out Need to Know with Coulthart and Zabel.

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