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The article discusses strategies for overcoming the urge to quit creative endeavors, such as YouTube, blogging, or video production, by focusing on long-term purpose, personal impact, and finding inspiration.


The author shares a personal struggle with the desire to quit content creation due to various challenges, including a decrease in YouTube views and the stress of consistent output. Despite these feelings, the author outlines several methods to combat the temptation to give up. These include taking breaks, remembering that discouraging feelings are often temporary, consuming coffee for a boost in mood and energy, reflecting on one's purpose and the potential to make a difference, valuing the impact on even a single individual, and seeking inspiration from movies. The article emphasizes the importance of perseverance and the significance of helping others as motivations to continue despite setbacks.


  • The author admits to frequently contemplating quitting but recognizes these thoughts as a common experience, not a reflection of a lack of work ethic or mindset.
  • Engaging in activities unrelated to work, such as eating pizza or watching movies, can provide a necessary respite and reset one's perspective.
  • The author believes that underlying factors like sleep deprivation, illness, or other stressors often contribute to the desire to quit, rather than a genuine wish to stop the activity.
  • Reflecting on one's long-term goals and purpose can provide the motivation needed to push through difficult periods.
  • The author values the impact of their work on individuals, asserting that helping even one person makes the effort worthwhile, regardless of the number of likes or views received.
  • The author suggests that inspiration can be found in the determination of characters in movies, which can reignite one's own determination and focus.
Photo by John Arano on Unsplash

How To Stop Yourself From Quitting

I come downstairs and check Youtube.

I got 500 views in 3 hours — I typically get about 2,000 to 3,000.

Youtube has changed so much lately, and I’m wondering whether I need to call it quits on Youtube altogether.

Then I wonder if I should call it quits with video production. Maybe I should get into photography.

I never liked being in front of my camera talking to it in public anyway. What if I went behind the camera? What if I left all of this vlogging nonsense behind?

Better yet, what if I quit blogging, too? What would that life look like? A life devoid of checking likes and views and ad revenue. I’m free of the 9–5 but I’m still in a social media prison.

The idea of quitting runs through my mind a lot.

I know I’m not supposed to write that as someone who preaches about work ethic and having a bulletproof mindset. When you get down to it, I’m like anybody else.

I think about quitting all the time.

I do get discouraged. How do I get over these feelings? Let’s talk about it.

I Go Eat Pizza

Seriously. A day off and some great pizza can really do the trick for me sometimes.

I Remember That These Feelings Will Pass

I wanted to quit Jiu-Jitsu the other night. I just started doing it. I loved my first three classes, but in my fourth class, I really struggled. I woke up this morning and thought, ‘do I really want to quit Jiu-Jitsu, though?’

My answer?

Hell no.

I just felt that way last night because it was my first class in 2 weeks. I was also recovering from a mild cold. I was a little sleep-deprived, too.

I’d say that 80% of the time when I want to quit, I don’t actually want to quit. There’s something else at play that’s making me think I want to quit.

Like sleep deprivation. Or sickness. Or any other stressor in my life.

Just let the thought sit in the back of your mind and go do something else for a while.

I Drink 2 Cups Of Coffee

This sounds like a joke. It isn’t. I’ve had many mornings where I come downstairs and don’t want to touch my computer with a 25-foot pole. Then I drink a coffee, watch a Youtube video, then drink another coffee.

It’s like all the color comes back into my world and afterward I practically jump into my work chair.

Sometimes one cup of coffee just doesn’t do it for me. Sometimes I really need two and it takes me through the entire day.

I Think About My Purpose

One day I think I can do a lot of good here in the Philippines.

In the short term, I can grow my following, help the people I meet, and promote this country with my videos.

But in the long term I might be able to actually make a dent in improving, say, the education system here.

It probably won’t be a big dent, but it’ll be something.

Sometimes I get so caught up in the short term that I forget about the long term plan — also known as my purpose.

My purpose is to make a difference here in the Philippines. Whether that’s improving education, helping to eradicate poverty, or something else. If you remember your purpose in the midst of quitting, you’ll weather the storm.

That’s what will ultimately help me push through this vlogging slump that I’m in — I’m going to remember who I’m doing this for.. the people here in the Philippines!

Help 1 Person

In this social media world, dozens of likes, hundreds of likes, and maybe even thousands of likes can come our way. For a lot of us, if we don’t hit a certain threshold of likes, we may think our time writing, vlogging, or being creative was wasted.

It wasn’t.

It wasn’t because if we help one person, then ALL of it is worth it. If you spent ten hours on a video and it helped one person, then that’s a job well done.

To me, helping one person is just as valuable as helping 10,000. It doesn’t always feel that way, but it’s true. You impacted a life. Another human being. It takes a heck of a lot of talent and work to do that.

Some of you reading may be thinking of quitting something right now. If you are, go small. Think about each person you’re helping with your work. I’m sure you’re helping somebody. Do it for them. Continue to do it for them.

This might help you feel better.

Go To The Movie Theatre

My last piece of advice? Head to the movie theatre. Watching a movie is sort of like taking a nap or “hard resetting” an Xbox.

It completely unplugs me from every thought I’m having of quitting. I get lost in the story on screen. If I watch the right movie, I may get inspired — and there’s the real secret.

The real reason I say you need to go to the movies doesn’t have much to do with unplugging, it has more to do with inspiration.

Most movies follow the main character who goes through a transformation of some sort. In many movies, this requires a heck of a lot of determination and focus from the main character.

To get lost in a story and see someone not quit can inspire us to do the same. We can walk out of a movie theatre pretty reenergized — I know I have — and sometimes this is all you need to find balance again.

Go watch a movie. You have my permission. I hope these tips help you.

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