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The website content provides guidance on how to start writing by beginning with short stories, tapping into personal emotions, and utilizing self-publishing platforms to share work and grow as a writer.


The article titled "How to Start Writing Today" encourages aspiring writers to start their writing journey by embracing the imperfection of initial pieces and learning the craft through practice. It suggests starting with short stories to develop writing skills, as they allow for creative exploration within a manageable scope and have been the foundation for many renowned authors. The article emphasizes the importance of authentic emotions in storytelling, advising writers to draw from personal experiences to create compelling and relatable characters. It also highlights the opportunities presented by self-publishing platforms like blogs, Medium, and Substack, which enable writers to bypass traditional gatekeepers and immediately connect with an audience. The author, Priscilla, shares her journey from a teenage writer to an editor-in-chief and published author, advocating for consistent writing and the joy of storytelling as the core of a fulfilling writing life.


  • The author believes that no writer's first piece will be their masterpiece, advocating for practice and persistence in writing.
  • Short stories are considered ideal for novice writers due to their simpler plots and character development, providing a platform to hone creative skills.
  • Emotional authenticity is key to resonating with readers; writers should tap into their own experiences and emotions to infuse genuineness into their work.
  • Self-publishing is presented as a viable and immediate way for writers to share their work and build a readership without relying on traditional publishing routes.
  • The article suggests that the writing journey should be enjoyable, free from the pressure of achieving immediate success, and that consistency in writing is crucial for growth.
  • Priscilla, the author, offers a personal perspective on writing, emphasizing that the life of a writer involves consistent effort and a passion for storytelling.

How to Start Writing Today

The first pieces are never the masterpieces, so take it easy

Photo by Christin Hume on Unsplash

I was 15 years old when I submitted and got published for the first time. It was a flash fiction piece about my student life in Hong Kong from the perspective of an eraser (what?!). It was published in an English newspaper in Hong Kong.

Needless to say, I was elated. I thought I would be the next J.K. Rowling.

So I started blogging, and at first, no one read my self-absorbed Bridget-Jones-but-Chinese diary. But slowly, it did grow. It was not until 13 years later that my blog turned into a book, and now, in my 30s, I am finally taking writing seriously.

Having a master’s in creative writing and being the editor-in-chief of a local literary magazine has taught me one thing: no writer’s first piece of work would be their masterpiece.

So, to get to your masterpiece, you better start writing rubbish now. And here’s how you can do it.

Start with a Short Story

You might have an epic novel or Netflix screenplay in mind, but to get there, it takes time. Time for the craft to develop and time for readers to trust you. So, how not kickstart your writing career with a short story? Everyone wrote that: Hemingway, Orwell, Poe, Woolf...In fact, they all wrote some of the best short stories in history.

Because it’s short, the plot is simpler, with less elaborate character development and more explosion of emotional depth. It is punchy and exciting.

Short stories are perfect for novice writers because they allow you to explore your creativity within a manageable scope. Here’s how to start:

  • Choose a Theme: Start by selecting a theme that resonates with you. It could be love, friendship, adventure, or even a personal experience.
  • Create Characters: Develop interesting characters with unique traits, backgrounds, and motivations. Imagine them as vividly as possible. Stick to four people max. Think family size.
  • Craft a Plot: Outline a simple plot structure with a beginning, middle, and end. Classic Aristotle's three-act structure, it won’t go wrong. What’s the conflict? How will it be resolved?
  • Write with Passion: Don’t worry about perfection at this stage. Let your ideas flow. The first draft always sucks. Editing comes later.

By crafting short stories, you’ll build your writing muscle and gain confidence.

Some of my favourite short stories include:

  • Hemingway: Hills Like White Elephants
  • Edgar Allan Poe: The Tell-Tale Heart
  • Yuyun Li: Omakase (Listen here)

Tap into Your Shame

The most compelling stories are those that evoke emotion in readers. To create stories that resonate, tap into your deepest emotions (usually end up in shame). Here’s how:

  • Reflect on Life Experiences: Think about moments in your life that stirred strong emotions. It could be joy, grief, fear, or love. Draw from these experiences to infuse authenticity into your writing.
  • Character Emotions: Infuse your characters with real emotions. Show their vulnerabilities, fears, and desires. Readers connect with characters who feel genuine.
  • Show, Don’t Tell: Instead of telling the reader how a character feels, show it through their actions, thoughts, and dialogue. Let the emotions seep through the words.
  • Write from the Heart: When you write from a place of genuine emotion, your readers will feel it too. Whether it’s tears, laughter, or a racing heart, emotion is the heart of storytelling.

Harness Self-Publishing Opportunities

In today’s digital age, you don’t need to confuse the gatekeepers of the publishing world to share your work. Self-publishing platforms like Substack and Medium offer you the chance to be heard immediately.

  • Start a Blog: Create a personal blog where you can share your short stories, essays, or articles. Share your blog with friends and family, and gradually build your readership.
  • Don’t worry about niches: it will come over time.
  • Join Medium: Medium is a fantastic platform for writers of all levels. You can publish your work, gain followers, and even earn money through the Medium Partner Program.
  • Connect with Fellow Writers: Engage with the writing community on these platforms. Read and comment on others’ work, participate in writing challenges, and learn from fellow writers.
  • Consistency Matters: Whether you choose to blog or write on Medium, consistency is key. Regularly publishing content keeps your readers engaged and helps you grow as a writer.

Obviously, you don’t even need to share your work publicly to start writing. They are two different things. Journaling, keeping notes on your smartphone, and writing letters that never get sent are all great things to do.

The bottom line is: do you enjoy writing?

Starting your writing journey doesn’t require grandiose plans or waiting for the perfect moment. It begins with wanting to write. The pressure is what hinders it.

So, I suggest you pen a short story fueled by authentic emotions and share it through self-publishing platforms (the last one is optional). Remember, the most important thing is to begin. So, grab your pen or keyboard and start writing today. Your words have the power to inspire, entertain, and connect with readers around the world.

If you want to know more about the life of a writer — here’s one right here. My name is Priscilla. I am a published writer and the editor-in-chief of a little literary magazine called Battersea Anthology. Follow me and you will see first-hand what a working writer lives like (mostly just daydreaming…). My Youtube here for some visual storytelling.

Happy writing!

Short Story
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