How To Stand Out As A New Writer With These 3 Undervalued Advantages
Ditch the comparison syndrome and work with your advantages.
“Those who think they know it all have no way of finding out that they don’t.” — Leo Buscaglia

Do you often feel like a mouse being chased by a grumpy old cat while trying to make a difference in the world as a new writer?
I used to feel like I was playing a racing game against seasoned writers until one day I shifted my perspective and began to understand the advantages I had as a newbie.
Many people underestimate the power of being the underdog, so let’s set some things straight and find out three of the most undervalued powers of a newbie writer or a writer who’s considered an underdog against the big shots.

1. You’re Hungry for Success
While seasoned writers have years of experience writing and have their fair share of lessons learnt from their failures over the years, some of them are lacking the hunger they used to feel when they began their writing journey.
The hunger you feel to go after what you want and succeed as a new writer is your superpower.
Your eagerness and willingness to do whatever it takes almost blinds you from any pitfalls that might come your way because you have nothing to lose.
While seasoned writers may have days when they feel stuck, experience writer’s block, or simply overcomplicate their writing, you’re riding the white horse and marching ahead, ready to make those mistakes and learn from them.
Your hunger to succeed as a new writer is one of the most overlooked advantages you have.
Use it, power with it, mark your territory, and create magic.

2. You’ve a Brand New Unique Perspective
While seasoned writers had their days of standing out as a unique voice from the crowd, they sometimes struggle to keep up with their image or come up with new twists and turns in their stories.
You, as a newer writer, are eager to show up differently.
Even if the seasoned writers won’t agree with some of the sauces you add to your writing, you know you’ve got something they just don’t quite get yet.
Walking the road less traveled in front of you may be lonely at first, but who ever said to follow the crowd to stand out? No one.
Your ability to see things from a brand new perspective is one of the superpowers you have as a new writer.

3. You’re More Playful
Seasoned writers, sometimes take their work too seriously.
They can come across as old-fashioned, boring, or simply too uptight. (no offence)
You, on the other hand, are not afraid to play around with your choice of words, sentences, or twists. Even squeezing in some funky grammar seems fun for you.
Because you are still at the beginning of your journey, exploring all types of possibilities of who you can become as a writer.
Never underestimate the power you have as a new writer!
And remember that seasoned writers have their struggles too; they just have different struggles than you might have right now.
In conclusion, as a new writer, learn from the experienced writer’s mistakes and implement them in your writing, while appreciate your advantages you’ve just learnt about.
And as a seasoned writer?
Take some of the hunger, playfulness, and perspectives new writers have, spice up your writing style, and get back in the game smarter and stronger than you’ve ever been.
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