

The web content provides a detailed guide on how to set up Clash, a proxy service, on a Linux system, including downloading the software, extracting it, configuring the service, and starting it to run in the background.


The article titled "How to set clash for linux" addresses the recent removal of the Clash tools repository by offering a step-by-step process to install and configure Clash on a Linux system using a new repository. It begins by instructing users to download the latest Linux version of Clash from the new repository hosted on GitHub by user Kuingsmile. The guide then walks through extracting the downloaded package, moving it to a desired directory, and granting execution permissions. It also explains how to initiate Clash to generate necessary configuration files and where to find them. The article further provides instructions on how to configure the Clash service by creating a systemd service file, enabling the service, and starting it to run automatically. Finally, it concludes by informing users that they can now access their Clash proxy at


  • The author reassures users that despite the original Clash tools repository being deleted, a new repository is available to continue using Clash.
  • The author suggests that users should not be concerned about the error message that appears when running Clash for the first time, indicating it is a normal part of the setup process.
  • The author emphasizes the importance of obtaining the correct config.yaml file from the user's paid subscription service to ensure proper configuration of Clash.
  • The author provides a personal touch by sharing their own method of organizing the Clash executable within a net-tool directory in their home folder, implying this as a recommended practice.

How to set clash for linux

Clash tools was deleted yesterday.

But don’t worry, I already find a new repo:

This guy just push a new repo.

- Download the latest linux verison clash-linux-amd64-v3-v1.18.0.gz

#extract the package: 
gunzip clash-linux-amd64-v3-v1.18.0.gz
# you will get clash-linux-amd64-v3-v1.18.0
# mv it to where you want, for me, i make a new directory in home 
mkdir -p /home/xxxx/net-tool
mv ~/path/to/your/clash/clash-linux-amd64-v3-v1.18.0 /home/xxxx/net-tool/clash
# add execution to the clash: 
chmod +x /home/xxxx/net-tool/clash

- Try to run and get the configuration files

# run it 
# it will report error, donot worry, just ctrl c
# you can get some files in ~/.config/clash/
ls ~/.config/clash/
Country.mmdb, config.yaml, cache.db
# config.yaml is the configuration file you need to update, just get the file from you provider you paid to buy(wget your-subscription address)
# mv the new config.yaml to this folder

- Config clash.service

sudo vim /etc/systemd/system/clash.service
# add following text in the file:

 Description = Clash Daemon
 ExecStart=/home/xxxxx/net-tool/clash -d /home/xxxx/.config/clash/

- Enable service

sudo systemctl enable clash.service

- Start the service

sudo systemctl start clash.service

All done, you can use the to access your clash proxy. Have fun.

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