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How to Scale Your Writing Quickly to Catch More Eyeballs

Why working more is not enough as a writer, you need leverage

Photo by Tim Gouw

Brutal honesty. I’ve not made any significant money from writing. I had one client pay me £3,000 and that’s the only thing to write about. I’m committed to changing that.


By stealing ideas from successful people, applying them to my writing, and then seeing what works.

Steal. Apply. Measure.

I watched a video by Alex Hormozi titled How to get SO rich you question the meaning of making money. This video currently has 2.3 million views and here’s why.

Alex described 3 ways to make more money. For this essay, we’ll be focusing on the most important lesson: leverage.

What is leverage?

Understanding what a lever is helps us to understand what leverage is.

A lever is a bar resting on a pivot. By applying pressure to one end, a heavy item is moved or lifted on the other end. Without the lever, lifting the heavy item is more work.

Lifting heavier items requires more leverage (a better lever).

Image made by me

But how does this idea help anyone?

Let’s apply it to writing. If I wrote one essay on my computer and did nothing with it. There would be no leverage. Nothing to shoot it into the Guinness Book of Records for a record number of reads per hour. If I wrote another essay and posted it to Medium, a site with an inbuilt readership of thousands of other people, I would have applied more leverage.

The same amount of effort to write both essays, but one has a better chance of doing well. That is leverage. Increasing the potential outputs by optimizing as many variables as possible.

How else can I apply leverage?

Taking tips from Alex’s viral video about roofing and construction businesses and applying it to my writing, here are a few different ways that this makes sense to me.

Better writing

Writing that is so good it is better than crack.

Have you ever read an essay from a writer on Medium and then clicked on their profile to read almost every other thing they have written? That’s addictive writing. How do I make people more addicted to my writing, so they wake up in the middle of the night itching for their next fix?

Better storytelling. Be unpredictable. Make it exciting. Curb expectations.

Writing that is helpful

When I was a doctor, we had this saying for how to get better at procedures. See one, do one, teach one. Meaning you’d see a procedure being done once, then you did it once and then you taught someone else how to do it.

This is how I plan to create useful content, by leveraging the ideas of more successful people. See it, do it, teach someone else.

I can’t run out of ideas if I pass on what’s helping me.

At the very least, I hope this essay is doing just that.

Better Software

For now, that’s medium. But even on Medium, how do I utilize the best publications to help get me seen by more people?

What other tools are at my disposal that I can use to help me like Grammarly, headline quality scorers, title capitalizing sites.

Have a team

That would be leverage. More writers, more essays. I’m not there yet, maybe I’ll come back to this.


Reach more people. Google search and SEO, or breaking down my articles into tweets to catch more eyeballs.

Have a better offer

Giving the reader a better experience, and at the end giving them an offer they can’t refuse. One example of this is rewriting my call to action. At the moment it’s bland and does not inspire anybody or anything. I will have a look a that.

Clickworthy-but-not-clickbaity titles

People want to know what they’re getting before they click. A clickworthy title is leverage. Readers are more likely to jump on the essay with a juicer title. I need to get better at this.

It comes down to this, I need to:

  1. Put more work to…
  2. … produce better work and…
  3. … leverage every opportunity

Growing my audience and getting better results from my writing requires me to produce better essays that people actually want to read. But as we all know great work gets unread all the time. So, it’s my job to leverage all the tools I have at my disposal to make sure that whatever effort I put in gives me maximum results.

Whilst I work on my call to action, please join my email list for more insights, breakdowns, and interesting ideas.

Writing Tips
Business Strategy
Work Smarter
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