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How To Safely Bring Your Soul Home

Soul retrieval through ancestral healing dreams

Photo by Vincent Ledvina on Unsplash

Iroquois elders told ethnologist Harriet Converse that you can lose your soul if you don’t listen to what it’s telling you in dreams. The punishment for failing to heed repeated dream warnings is that the “free soul” may abandon the dreamer, leaving him to live out his life as one of the walking dead, “bereft of his immortal soul”.

Robert Moss, “Dreamways of the Iroquois: Honoring the Secret Wishes of the Soul”

A friend read this and asked for my input regarding souls and dreams. It did strike a nerve but in a good way! This experience and many others guided me to the path of Ancestral Healing. The more involved I become, the more convinced I am it is a major force in global healing and bringing more love back to the planet.

Photo by John Middelkoop on Unsplash

Here is my response. Do you have any thoughts about this?

I have personal experience, Janet. Over a decade ago, I lost someone very dear to me overnight. It was sudden and shocking and I went into deep grief. The first stage of grief is denial. Because of what I considered unresolved issues and self-imposed guilt about what I should have, could have done, I swung between grief and anger for almost a year.

I was determined to contact him through dreams. I had the book Conscious Dreaming by Robert Moss, which I reread. Then I read and put into practice things in Dreamgates and Bringing The Soul Back Home. The problem for me was I was not listening to all the messages I received in my dreams. I wanted my outcome. I wanted to will the dreams to do what I thought I needed them to do, to communicate directly with him.

Photo by Melinda Gimpel on Unsplash

Instead, he would appear as an energy body, almost anime in appearance. Or he would be on another side of a room I could never cross in time to talk to him. During this time, which lasted about two years, I could not stop weeping. I had boxes of tissues at work, at home, in my car, everywhere. Really, I became a weeping zombie.

In yet another frustrating dream, a woman sat down next to me and took my hand. She was wearing a pale blue dress and looked a bit like Cinderella’s fairy godmother. She said slow down and rest. In fact, I was exhausted. There is great power in surrender. I could feel an emptiness. It wasn’t until after the fact I realized part of my soul was gone. That was what I needed to find. My dream family was trying to help me all the time I was resisting.

Photo by Stephen Leonardi on Unsplash

Fast forward to my next dream. I saw him standing with a group of people across a crowded room. Instead of pursuing him, I sat tight, and lo and behold he walked across the room to me. He sat next to me and we could have a real conversation. These dreams continued for months and I am convinced they integrated my soul fragment that was left upon hearing of his death. It was an amazing healing experience. That’s a major reason I’m drawn to Ancestral Healing through dreams and divination. I’m sure they were there.

Thank you for reading! I appreciate you!

I’m adding Ancestor divination weekly. If you’re curious you can find them here. Thanks!

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