avatarSobaan Saeed


How to Reinvent Yourself and Be the Best Version That Could Possibly Exist

It has nothing to do with New Year’s resolutions.

Photo by Alex Senquiz

This might sound like a strange goal to give myself but hear me out.

As a general rule, I put too much pressure on myself, which is a very efficient way of taking the fun out of literally anything.

By the way, I see this everywhere. This whole generation is struggling with this.

I don’t have hobbies anymore. Everything is a side hustle.

Don’t Wait

We are killing time, waiting for things to happen to get back to normal. Except we’re not going back to normal.

Normal was never normal.

I’ve been thinking about it a lot because I admit there were a lot of moments this past year where I just thought, “Well, we just have to get through this and things will get better.”

I was playing Wait. But I don’t want my whole life to be a waiting game. I won’t expect the world to change or improve for my benefit.

I won’t wait to try to make my dreams come true or start my projects. If that requires finding creative solutions to all of that, so be it.

I’m always trying to remind myself that it’s a miracle that I’m alive, that it’s quite unlikely that I exist and not just take that for granted. I have to value it while I have it.

Quick productivity tip, if you want to immediately double your productivity get off social media. That ties in with my point of not waiting because when I look back on my life. What are the things that I will remember as important?

They are not going to be TikTok or Instagram reels. I have nothing against TikTok or Reels or anyone who enjoys those things. Still, I’m also not sorry when I say that. They just don’t align with my priorities and goals.

There are better ways to spend my free time or to give myself a break. I need some mental space, and I find that overstimulation paralyses me.

Love of Fate

I interpret that as an enthusiastic acceptance of everything that happens to you in life, which is exactly the approach that I want to have towards all the obstacles I have in my life.

I’m not saying I’m good at it. I’m just saying I work hard at it.

Let life surprise you and the doors that open, the flexibility it provides in all situations. Friedrich Nietzsche a philosopher, wrote a lot about that idea.

My formula for greatness in a human being is the love of fate: that one wants nothing to be different, not forward, not backwards, not in all eternity. Not merely bear what is necessary, still less conceal it — but love it.

This year, I wasted a lot of time thinking and obsessing over past mistakes or wishing things were different. All I can say about that is that it brought nothing to my life but exhaustion.

At the end of the day, there’s a lot of nonsense out there. A lot of things have gone wrong. Many reasons to be angry.

A lot of change is going on, and it’s scary and uncomfortable. Still, I’m not going to let any of those things take away my excitement for today, what I’m doing, what I’m going to create, and what I will discover about myself.

Pay More Attention

This is very personal, but I enjoy doing things.

More and more, I feel an intense attraction to the world of analogue, and I love it. Analogue capture of ideas with pencil and paper, analogue journal.

One of the big imbalances I’ve felt this year was the impact of the distractions and strong stimuli that exist out there, being distracted by the waves of social media, podcasts, videos, articles, etc.

None of these things is bad by themselves, but it’s more than all the quantity. It is the constant and incessant bombardment. It’s the overload that is harmful.

I want to pay more attention to my life. I want to pause, reflect more often, and stop doing many things simultaneously.

Anything with real value takes time.

Final thoughts

It’s going to be difficult, and it’s going to take a lot of discipline, consistency, and focus. Still, I would like to write/journal for an hour a day in the afternoon and meditate for half an hour in the morning or at night.

I can do the rest of my work in between, but I would love to start and end the day with those two hours.

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