avatarHarsha Gurnani


How to Peace and Calm Your Mind

Not reacting to any situation is not practically possible

Photo by Kaupo Kalda on Unsplash

We’re often advised that finding peace means not reacting to others’ actions. However, is this always a feasible approach in practical terms?

No, it is only possible to a certain extent because if someone is continuously creating hatred and problems in your life, you cannot stop reacting or be in a peace of mind-state.

It is normal that your state of mind will get hampered. So what is the solution and How can we be at peace and calm our mind?

Let’s take it step by step to understand better —

As you read through the article, pause and reflect on these questions within yourself.

1/ Question 1

Where does the root of the problem lie? Is it the external world triggering issues, or do the problems originate from within our own minds?

  • It is within ourselves that these problems are generated.

2/ Question 2

Who are we truly? The image we hold of ourselves, or the perceptions that others have of us?

Here’s the game-changer:

Many might think we are who we see ourselves or what others see us.

But the real answer is neither of them. It’s because what we think and what we do are not always the same.

  • Do we really stick to our plan of eating healthy all day?
  • Do we actually manage to study for 10 hours a day as we say?
  • Is it possible to prevent ourselves from falling in love again as we sometimes vow?

Our actions are in a constant state of flux

3/ Question 3

Let’s envision standing at a train station — trains arrive and depart.

Are we the train, or are we the ones standing, observing the changes?

We are the constant, witnessing the ever-changing scenery.

If we grasp the idea that every day is simply a series of changes, do you believe our minds would find a sense of peace and settle?

Isn’t it true that every day, someone brings us joy and makes us feel valued, like a train labeled ‘pleasure’? Conversely, someone else might bring negativity, akin to a train marked ‘negativity’.

Yet, if we comprehend that both trains, the one labeled ‘pleasure’ and the one marked ‘negativity,’ are simply passing through — that it’s all just part of the ever-changing scenery, like a fleeting movie in our life — wouldn’t we find a sense of peace?

We are the constant so how does it matter if we are above the levels or below it’s just a time phase, a change which comes and goes.

But we are still, just an observer of this movie.

Final Thought

In the outside world, to be successful in your career, thoughts, and information are useful, but as far as our inner state is concerned, our thoughts are of no use.

Thoughts are useless as far as happiness is concerned

Because it’s our thoughts that create chaos in our minds and get us entangled.

The moment we grasp that everything unfolding is just a changing scene in the grand story of our life, our thoughts and minds become resilient to the influence of others’ actions, be they positive or negative.

Our minds will settle for peace and calmness.

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