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How to Make your Email List Grow to 100,000+ in just 3 Years

This is the Secret to Being the Successful Blogger You Want to be

Whether you’re in college or have a full-time job, it is very possible to grow your blog and your email list. It is even possible to pay off your whole college debt with a blog, same as it is to pay for your first home with a blog. The main reason why is due to viewers. They are the secret to the recipe.

In order to make anything work is with a schedule. Your life schedule floats around your blog time and now your blog schedule floats around your life schedule.

Let’s say your semester changes and you have your classes at different times, now your blogging is being affected by it. You just have to change your blog time schedule to fit around your college courses.

If you haven’t decided on the name for your website, get to work on it! It’s all in the name. You can still start a blog no matter where you are in life, or how far you’ve gotten into life. And by your determination, you can earn the potential of thousands of dollars a month just like I do!

Your Community is Beautiful

You must figure out your SEO strategy, and you must figure out how to get people to your website. Not just your Instagram or Pinterest, but your actual website that you have put so much work into. You do not want people either, to come visit your website once and never return, you want them coming back consistently, over and over again, forming a true connection with them. Connection is your community. Community brings in the views. Views bring in the $$$ monthly.

But what starts this connection truly? It’s email lists. Every big and successful blogger that you see will have an opt-in on their website for someone to join their email list. In fact, the most successful bloggers will tell you what their most important role in keeping up a blog is. It’s having an email list.

Your Time is Valuable and You Should Be Passionate

Another tip from successful bloggers is that they don’t overwhelm themselves. Meaning if they are going to start something in regards to their blog or brand, it will truly be something of time well spent and something that will pay off in the future. Time is money. This is something to be very passionate about if you aren’t already.

Not once has a successful blogger ever said an email list is something they can live without or has ever considered it to be a waste of time because it builds community. So actions do speak louder than words and the results show. If someone is building a community, they are making a new line of income for themselves in actuality.

Long Live Longevity

For the longevity of your website, you need an email list and it will be the best thing and most important thing you will add to your blog because your email can potentially last forever unlike social media or SEO. Those things have a tendency of change almost yearly.

I clean out my email list often and still yet I am left with thousands of subscribers eager to hear from me. Actually, I have well over 100,000 subscribers for my website, www.healthyhappytoddler.com. Views will certainly bring in the money but talk about thousands and thousands of dollars per month coming in from your email newsletters and it’ll make you question yourself, “Why haven’t I done this sooner?”

Your Strategy Will Bring in Your Results

All the results won’t be from overnight but will seem like they will, but only if you do it the right way. Which is you and your team helping people and building of community of trust and allowing others to relate to your posts. Be so good that others can’t not share your content. Perfect your email strategy. Make the words of your website so valuable and design your website in such a way that readers will have to opt-in your email list. Set up automations and tags so effectively it seems like the blog is running itself. This is it, this has been the secret all along.

Email Marketing
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