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How To Make Your Dreams Come True

This Is Your Sign To Chase Your Dreams

Photo by Johannes Plenio on Unsplash

Ever had a dream?

I have.

No, I am not talking about what happens at night after you tuck in for a night’s sleep. I’m talking about the dreams you have when you’re awake.

Who you envision yourself to be in the future. Where you will be. What you will be doing.

Those dreams. I had dreams. I envisioned them clearly in my head. At first one at a time and then slowly over time have imagined how those dreams piece together. I’ve achieved those dreams.

For example, recently, I wrote an article about how I scored my dream job.

While this article does show the power of dreaming, it is incomplete. It is not just my job that has lined up. I am living the life of my dreams. What I mean by that is that even though my life is not sunshine and roses all the time, I am who I want to be. I am where I want to be. And I am doing what I want.

The key to living your dream life is 3 simple steps that you repeat.

  1. Dream
  2. Plan
  3. Be Persistently Consistent

Let’s break those steps down.

1. Dream

To dream is to ponder. To dream is to create. To dream is to believe.

Dreaming is essential. Eleanor Roosevelt agreed.

The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams

— Eleanor Roosevelt

Manifestation — This is the same thing as dreaming.

There is power in manifestation. It is directly linked to the law of attraction. When we set our intentions, our actions follow. This leads to the next step.

2. Plan

Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash

Once we have an intention it is time to set actionable and quantifiable goals to get where we are going. And it’s to break those goals down into smaller pieces.

Say for example I had a goal of eating healthier. Great, that is an awesome goal, however, it is not quantifiable and it is an overall vague concept. What if I broke this goal down into actionable goals that build on each other? For example:

  1. Research 5 healthy recipes to try.
  2. Meal prep every Sunday.
  3. Eat a fruit or veggie at every meal.
  4. Only eat one meal with carbs a day.

There are a lot of other ways to eat healthier, but the point of this example is to show that it is much easier to tackle small actionable steps than a bigger goal. And the small steps can get you to your bigger goal.

3. Be Persistently Consistent

Photo by Nubelson Fernandes on Unsplash

I would argue that this is the hardest of all three steps — at least for me. Once you have your goals, hold yourself to them and be persistent.

If you get off track, get back on track as soon as possible. Don’t beat yourself up. Let it go and keep trying.

I hope this helps you on your journey to your dream life Remember: dream big. Dream on.

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