avatarJamen Mendes


The author discusses their experience of making minimal money on Medium by writing about metaphysics, emphasizing the spiritual essence of money and the importance of aligning with cosmic laws to truly prosper.


The article titled "How To Make No Money on Medium" delves into the author's journey of writing about metaphysics, a subject they are deeply passionate about but which has not translated into financial success on the platform. Despite publishing 12 articles, including poems, the author made only $32.34 last month. They attribute this to the nature of their content, which explores the spiritual wisdom of money and the metaphysical aspects of reality, topics they believe the general audience is less interested in. The author philosophizes that money is not merely physical but has a metaphysical essence tied to trust and truth, which are spiritual energies. They suggest that to earn money, one must align with cosmic laws and understand the spiritual or cosmic functions that govern the presence and accumulation of wealth. The article concludes with the author's realization that their earnings reflect their own spiritual acceptance of money and that true prosperity comes from transferring one's life energy into their work, accepting the spiritual abundance that follows.


  • The author believes that writing about metaphysics is a sure way to not make money on Medium due to a lack of public interest in spiritual wisdom.
  • Money is seen as having a metaphysical essence, representing spiritual energies and cosmic principles rather than just a physical or material entity.
  • Trust and truth are considered foundational to the concept of money, embodying immutable and everlasting spiritual essences.
  • The author is a firm advocate for the idea that understanding the metaphysical nature of reality is crucial to comprehending the physical world.
  • Earning money is tied to following deep spiritual laws and transferring one's life energy, which includes creativity, vitality, and wisdom, into the physical dimension.
  • The author admits to a personal struggle with accepting money for their spiritual wisdom, suggesting that their earnings are a reflection of this internal conflict.
  • The article suggests that true financial success on Medium comes from writing about one's passions and fully embracing the spiritual exchange of value, rather than simply expecting payment for content.

How To Make No Money on Medium

The Journey of Discovering the Spiritual Wisdom of Money!

Last month I made exactly $32.34, despite publishing some of my best articles on Medium. In total, I wrote 12 articles, including poems.

Image, courtesy of Tumisu (Pixabay)

My Secret So what is my secret to not making money on Medium, you might ask?

If you want to make no money on Medium, do what I do: write about Metaphysics!

What Is Metaphysics? Metaphysics is one of the most mystical topics in Philosophy. It is a spiritual wisdom based on Ancient Egyptian Philosophy.

While everything in the universe can be discussed through the lens of Metaphysics, including language, physics, AI, cryptocurrency, blockchain technology, and so on, the moment you try to do so you will surely lose your audience.

Humanity is only interested in the physical or material presence of elements and beings. People are not interested in the ethereal or metaphysical essences of reality. They just want to understand reality as it is presented in form.

I, on the other hand, am only interested in the metaphysical energies that become reality. I am a firm believer that one cannot understand the nature of reality without first having an understanding of its functions — the cosmological forces underpinnings of its manifestation.

The Metaphysical Money Since we’re speaking about writing as a means to earn an income, let us consider money from a metaphysical perspective. The moment you let go of the physical form of money and begin contemplating its metaphysical essence, you will no doubt arrive at your belief system and its ideas about what constitutes a currency. These ideas are not merely thoughts, emotions, and images. They’re entirely spiritual in nature.

Money and Trust Money is said to be anchored to the element of Trust. Trust is not a physical thing. It is a cosmic energy embodying the essence of Truth. An element can only be truthful if it is an accurate measure of a Principle or Force of Nature (i.e. a Neter) and not a logical opinion that shifts with evolving culture. Trust, like Truth, is immutable and everlasting. Thus, in order to arrive at a true measure of money, one has to rely on the quality of the spiritual essence underpinning the cosmic Value we call money.

How to Earn Money All presence of elements, including money, is based on metaphysical Principles — or Cosmic Functions — whose essences are by nature spiritual. Nothing physical is real. All real elements are beyond the physical plane of form.

Not only is money entirely ethereal, but it is guided by spiritual or Cosmic Laws that determine its presence, accumulation, and lawful ownership. One cannot earn money without following proper Cosmic Laws. By laws I am referring to the laws of Truth, Trust, Order, Harmony, and so on.

Please do not confuse these words with their modern use. They carry special meaning within the cosmic melliu as the quality of a Principle — a function of Nature — called Ma’at in Egyptian cosmology.

Within this context, money becomes a measure of our consciousness — the cognitive function of our sentience that determines Value as a function of Life energy. Thus, money is a measure of Life energy — vitality, creativity, intelligence, power, mind, imagination, and so on. Not so coincidentally, these are the energies we are expensing in order to earn physical money. We are giving up our creative power, attention, imagination, vitality, and so on, to earn a digital/physical representation of our spiritual energy.

Money is earned and retained through the practice of deep spiritual laws. And, by earning I am not referring to getting paid by an individual or organization. I am speaking of cosmically transferring your own Life Value (a current) to the physical dimension of light! This act of spiritual transference of Life energy carries deep metaphysical laws — Cosmic Laws — that must be followed if one wishes to prosper.

Acceptance of Money In essence, the money I am making on Medium is merely a reflection of my spiritual transference or acceptance of money. Deep within my soul, I am still struggling to accept money as a form of remuneration for sharing my spiritual wisdom. In fact, it took me nearly a year of writing on Medium before I was convinced to monetize my account. Thus, my earnings are not a reflection of the true value I am imparting to the world but merely my own level of acceptance of money.

In the end, the secret to earning money on Medium is simple: write about your deepest passions and accept nature’s reward for your spiritual energy.

No one’s paying you. You are transferring your own Life energy — your creativity, vitality, and wisdom— into a physical current.

P.S. I just discovered the solution to earning money on Medium through the contemplative act of writing this article!

And, I hereby Accept all the spiritual Abundance, especially in the form of Money, I am creating through writing on Medium!

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Money Mindset
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