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Life & Problem Solving

How To Make Life Easier Solving Any Problem In Five Simple Steps

Problems need solutions, and we can all use a little help with the occasional problem. It all comes down to doing the work.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Do you know the best problem-solving questions? There’s a number one answer, and the rest don’t matter. It’s how that happened? How something happens is important because we need to understand cause and effect. That includes when we are the cause of the problem. After that, it all becomes simple. Following these five steps will help you solve any problem you encounter.

Five Steps To Solve Any Problem

  1. Assess the problem: Any problem needs examining to find a solution. Start with assessing the situation. When you drink, does it cause issues at home? Do you have bad financial habits and constantly struggle with money issues? Are you angry about your life? Is your health affecting your life? Are your relationships suffering? If so, take a look at the problem and identify the parts of that problem. Once you’ve broken down how it happened, move on to the next step in solving the issue.
  2. Accepting you have a problem: Sometimes, people suffer from things they don’t want to deal with. Denial is a river in Egypt, right? Yet, people around the world live in denial. Once you have accepted that you have a problem, you can begin to move forward. Until then, enjoy the suffering.
  3. Acknowledge your human: One of the first things a person can do to help themselves solve their problem is acknowledging they’re human. We all make mistakes. When you accept your mistake, learn from it and grow. Wallowing in self-pity is going to do nobody any good. Accept that you have an issue or made a mistake, and it’s caused unfortunate stress in your life. Then, it’s time to move on to the next step.
  4. Actions: Develop a plan to solve your problem. There’s a popular plan that people in debt use called snowballing. They take on the smallest part of their problem, the easiest to pay off debt. Once they have accomplished that, they put those resources into the next debt, the next, and then the next. By the time they finish, they’ve escaped the repetitive cycle of credit card debt. Having a plan to change your ways and taking action will get you further than continuing down the road you’re on.
  5. Accountability: Talking to a friend or loved one, admitting you are suffering from a problem, and asking for help is the first step toward holding yourself accountable. Ask someone to check on your progress. Tell them that you need their help. Ask them to help keep you responsible for your actions. Getting an accountability buddy will help, but it has to be someone that you can depend on to follow through with their part of the process.

Those are the steps. You are on the road to a new life and a new sense of peace that comes with conquering life’s issues. That’s right. You’re now making your life easier.

You may have to adapt and adjust your action plan along the way. But that comes with any plan. As long as you stick to your goals, acknowledge you are human and, as such, imperfect, and continue doing the work, you can solve any or almost any problem you encounter.

Ending war, cleaning up Washington, and global warming are too big for one person to come up with a solution. Let’s try, anyway.

Problem Solving Process
Problem Solving Models
Taking Action
Life Skills Education
Solving A Problem
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