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How To Maintain a Routine

Routines can help you master almost any skill

Photo by THE 5TH on Unsplash

Routines can indeed be regarded as a powerful tool for skill development, irrespective of the particular skill you aim to enhance.

This is due to the scientifically proven principle that consistent and dedicated practice over an extended period yields significant improvement.

For instance, the simple act of having your morning cup of tea (or whatever your preferred morning beverage is) is a routine because you perform it automatically, without conscious thought.

Start and Finish Work at Certain Times of The Day

Having specific time slots dedicated to work during the day can be highly beneficial in creating a clear boundary between work and other activities.

Personally, I have found that adopting a strategy of working early and finishing early, starting as early as 7 AM and ending around 4 or 5 PM, works best for me.

Regardless of your work sector, whether it’s freelancing, corporate, or side hustles before or after your main job, it’s essential to define when your workday starts and when it ends.

This practice enables you to free up your evenings from 5 PM onwards, giving you plenty of time to engage in other activities or pursue personal interests beyond work.

Limit Distractions

Monitoring the time you spend on social media, online streaming, and other unnecessary distractions and then minimizing it is a constructive approach. Consider setting a strict limit and making a conscious effort to adhere to it.

If you find it challenging to control your usage, temporarily closing your social media accounts or unsubscribing from online streaming services such as Netflix can be effective strategies.

It’s important to note that this doesn’t necessarily mean quitting these platforms altogether but rather reducing your consumption to a manageable level that aligns with your goals and priorities.

Don’t Start the Day on Your Phone

Beginning your day by immediately checking your email or social media is arguably one of the least productive ways to start your morning.

Consider establishing a new routine of getting out of bed promptly after waking up.

This approach will help you avoid spending excessive time on your phone and ensure you don’t miss the valuable early hours when you should be kicking off your day.

Be Patient

Establishing a routine requires both time and effort, and it’s important to remain patient as you strive to adhere to it. You may encounter numerous setbacks and failures before successfully maintaining your routine.

However, it’s crucial not to give up. Instead, keep trying again each day until it becomes a seamless part of your daily life.

Have a strategy for when you’re down

Due to our human nature, there are moments when we might feel sluggish or down, making it difficult to function normally. It’s important to understand that this is perfectly normal and acceptable.

Treat yourself with the same kindness and compassion that you would offer to a friend in a similar situation. It’s okay to deviate from your routine temporarily until you regain the energy and motivation to resume your normal activities.

It’s Healthy to Break the Routine from Time to Time

Holidays and time off play a crucial role in recharging one’s energy and are, in fact, an essential necessity for gaining a broader perspective and reflecting on life.

Additionally, it’s important to allocate relaxation periods with minimal distractions to facilitate deeper contemplation, engage in spiritual practices, and explore one’s thoughts more thoroughly.

From a religious perspective, as a Muslim, I practice this regularly, as the Quran commands us to reflect on various aspects of our lives, the people around us, and the vastness of the universe, all of which are part of Allah’s creation.

Do Your “Thing” at Fixed Time in The Day

No matter what skill you’re trying to make time for, it’s essential to designate a specific time in your day for it. Life can be unpredictable, and unforeseen circumstances may arise.

When these happen, it’s crucial to do the following

  • Not to resist change but instead, adjust your routine to accommodate them.
  • Make an effort to make up for it when you have the opportunity, whether it’s on the same day, the next day, or even in the following week.
  • Be patient with yourself — I can’t stress it more — and avoid giving up.
  • Persistence and adaptability are key to maintaining your commitment to personal growth and skill development.

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Personal Development
Skills Development
Routine Building
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