avatarKashish Gambhir


How to Have Peace of Mind Amidst Comparison

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In a country as vast as India, home to 1.4 billion people, it’s astonishing that only a mere 1000 or so creators have achieved significant success.

This stark reality prompts us to contemplate the profound impact that competition can have on individual lives.

However, what stands out even more is the destructive nature of constant comparison, a phenomenon that often leads individuals down a path of discontent and unhappiness.

The pervasive question of why some individuals possess more while others seemingly have less can be corrosive to one's own well-being.

This line of thinking, fueled by societal pressures and personal insecurities, can become a roadblock on the journey to happiness.

It's crucial to recognize that the pursuit of happiness is the primary driving force behind all our endeavors.


Life is a four-legged entity akin to a table, and true contentment arises when we manage to strike a delicate balance across its various aspects.

The four legs of this table are namely relationships, health, spirituality and materialism.

The pursuit of material success alone doesn’t give happiness when poor health keeps one confined to the four walls of a room.

The secret lies in achieving equilibrium in the other three areas as well; such as health, relationships, and spiritual well-being. It’s this harmonious life balance that ultimately leads to a sense of fulfillment.

In our journey towards contentment, it’s also imperative to reject the fixation on others' successes.

Abundance is not exclusive; it is accessible to all, but the key is to focus on our unique individual journeys rather than comparing ourselves to others.

Reaching Our Goals Faster

Collaboration proves to be a powerful tool in achieving our goals faster. The analogy of moving alone taking 7-10 years versus moving together achieving the same in 2-3 years underscores the importance of collective efforts.

As we navigate life, it’s also essential to question societal expectations that often dictate milestones by a certain age.

The uniqueness of individual journeys should be celebrated, and diverse paths embraced. The society will keep saying things no matter whatever you achieve or do not achieve in life.

It is extremely important that we do not seek validation of others’ instead seek our own validation only and keep moving forward in our lives.

Life is not a one-size-fits-all journey, and the pressure to conform to predefined norms can hinder our personal growth.

Embracing the struggles inherent in our personal growth is akin to the transformation of a caterpillar into a butterfly.

Each individual's path is a unique metamorphosis, and comparing ourselves to others only serves to overshadow the personal triumphs and hardships that shape our journey.

If we still compare our lives to other people’s lives, then we must also compare their struggles and the darkness that they have been through.

The Journey to Peace of Mind

All in all, the journey to peace of mind lies in embracing our individuality, rejecting the destructive nature of constant comparison, and recognizing that true happiness arises when we achieve balance in our lives. No matter whatever stage of life we are at, most of us can achieve that balance in 3–6 months time with the help of expert guidance.

We must always remember that life’s journey is not a competition but a collective, unique experience, and finding peace within ourselves is the ultimate victory.


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