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How to Find a Job That Will Make You Happy (for Free)

Forget pricy online classes. There are plenty of free tools to help you find your dream job.

Photo by Magnet.me on Unsplash

We spend most of our waking hours at work, so it makes sense that we want to be happy at our jobs. But how do we know what kind of work to do in the first place? How do we find our passion and purpose? And while doing so, how do we make enough money for ourselves and our families?

In this story, I will share some free resources and tips that can help you answer these questions.

Start at the Beginning

Begin by exploring your interests, rather than chasing sexy job titles or careers that promise to make you rich. The ONET interest profiler can help. By asking questions about what you enjoy, you can narrow down your career choices. For example, if you prefer to work with your hands, the tool will steer you towards “realistic” career choices. If you prefer to write stories or paint, you may see “artistic” results. (There is a taxonomy of options, hence the quotation marks.)

Similar tests exist which you can find for free at your public library. Look for books similar to What Color is Your Parachute.

If you are a student, take advantage of guidance counselors or career advisers. If you are not, talk to a friend or a parent who has work experience. It’s essential to supplement career aptitude tests with real-world advice.

Learn the Craft

Once you narrow down your career field, check ONET and other sites such as Indeed for typical skills that are required. If you are a mid-career switcher, consider what skills you have that may be transferrable. If you are seeking entry-level roles, ensure you can demonstrate that you have learned the necessary things to succeed.

There are many ways to build skills, such as reading books and articles, watching videos and podcasts, taking online courses and workshops, joining clubs and communities, volunteering and interning, etc.

Here are some free resources that can help you with this process:

Coursera is an online platform that offers thousands of courses from top universities and organizations in various fields and disciplines. You can audit most courses for free or pay a fee to get a certificate. You can also enroll in specializations and degrees for more in-depth learning.

You can watch or listen to TED talks from experts and innovators on various topics ranging from science and technology to art and culture. You can watch the talks for free or listen to them as podcasts, or you can browse the playlists and themes for curated collections of talks.

I have also heard people successfully using Lynda in their own businesses. It has now become LinkedIn Learning, which may be able to access for free from your school or current employer.

Talk to People

In addition to these valuable resources, it’s crucial to build personal connections and gather firsthand insights from people in the industry. While online courses, aptitude tests, and self-help books can provide essential guidance, there’s no substitute for real-world perspectives.

Engaging in coffee chats and candid conversations can offer priceless insights into what it’s truly like to be a part of that profession. These conversations can shed light on the day-to-day challenges, workplace culture, and opportunities within the field.

Don’t hesitate to reach out to professionals in your network or even make new connections through networking events or online platforms. (Why not use Medium?)

Networking is an art all to itself, which we can address in another article. Suffice it to say that no job search is complete without informational interviews and candid conversations with incumbents.

Go Forth and Prosper

Finding your happiness at work is not an easy task, but it is not impossible either. By taking a personality test, exploring your interests and skills, and talking to people, you can gain a better understanding of yourself and the world of work.

Remember that finding your happiness at work is a lifelong journey, not a one-time destination. You will need to constantly update your knowledge and skills, adapt to the changing environment, and pursue your passion and purpose. I hope this post has given you some useful tips and tools to help you with this journey. If there are other resources that you recommend, please leave them in the comments. Good luck and have fun!

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