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How to Eat Your Troubles Away: Disturbing Thoughtforms and Culinary Witchcraft with Cookies

Under psychic attack from entities of my own creation

A witch cooking with a cauldron from freestockphotos.biz

Over the past year, I have occasionally come under attack from disembodied entities who only have my best interest at heart.

Their motivations make them the worst sort of enemy to fight. They aren’t evil, as I originally thought, but they are perhaps more effective than demons at disrupting a person’s life.

Because they claim to care for me, they don’t care about the methods used or the potential consequences of their attack on me, as long as I submit to their ways. It’s these entities who will kill me for being a smoker faster than the cigarettes they are attempting to save me from would have killed me.

Their single-minded, unbending, uncompromising agenda for my life casually dismisses and ignores all other elements in my life to focus on the one thing they want to change to make me a better human. The collateral damage they do is on the verge of cutting my life 20 years shorter before the effects of smoking itself ever get a chance at doing the same.

These invisible thoughtforms are driving me insane, causing insomnia, increasing my stress levels a thousand fold, and putting my career at risk. All methods of attack are on the table, nothing is too extreme for them. They refuse to shut-up. I am bombarded all day with harsh judgmental words making me well aware of my inferiority and my failure at being a human being.

I’ve tried Christian prayers and Hindu mantras.

I’ve tried Tibetan meditation bowls, and scientifically created audio recordings tuned to a specific frequency to nullify these voices and their auditory intrusions.. All of these rituals have failed. The thoughtforms remain just as powerful and persistent as if I had never performed the ritual to begin with.

Don’t laugh at my gullibly, but I had remote psychic surgery performed a couple months ago. Up to today, that was the only thing that worked to silence the condescending and critical voices of my thoughtforms. Except for having lived through the experience, following the psychic surgery, I was a normal person once again for 2 whole months!

This morning, a voice came into my head loud and clear, undeniable. The voices had returned.

A sinking feeling of hopelessness and depression came over me. The voices spent the better part of three hours ripping me apart.

Objectively, if the external world were allowed to have their say, I’m doing pretty well for myself. I certainly don’t need ignorant, stubborn, and cruelly judgmental voices telling me how much of a loser I am.

I overcame incredible odds and adversity to get to where I am now. I should be given an award, perhaps even a holiday in my name, not unending condescending lectures from lower life forms created by my angry rage, who themselves are a product of those adversities I had to endure.

Hopefully, they only ruined my weekend and not my life.

This Sunday, a day off from work, I spent three hours sitting by myself with my head slumped over in shame staring at the floor as an unyielding, thoughtless, and stubborn voice told me over and over again how I am a failure, a loser, unworthy of life, incapable and unworthy of love, and worse.

A day off wasted contemplating suicide since that would be the quickest way out of my current situation, and one way I haven’t tried yet to get rid of these invasive unwanted intruders into my mind.

I write this after midnight early on Monday morning. I am hopeful that I finally found a method which might bring an end to these disturbing voices, permanently.

I’ve been, with trepidation, enjoying a silence in my head that at times feels like a non-noise I had nearly forgotten exists. The sound of silence nearly bringing me to joyful tears.

The advice which led to my current serenity? It came from a self-proclaimed witch, Lee W. Johnson.


Lee W. Johnson tells me that thoughtforms are usually created by the people who they are bothering.

He says they are formed from our anger, rage, anxiety, and depression. I would like to also add frustration to that list.

A follower of the left-hand path. A person who is well-versed in witchcraft and the occult. He speaks of creating Servitors. Servitors are like my thoughtforms but created intentionally.

I consider witchcraft a pragmatic belief system, based on observations made in nature. It is a religion that acknowledges and makes use of the natural world of which we are a part.

Besides, this man had knowledge and expertise with the problem that was plaguing me.

His solution? Eat the thoughtforms.

Transmute its negative energy into positive energy. Make it a part of myself putting its energy towards positive use.

The idea sounded crazy, but just crazy enough that it should work.

The concept matched my past experiences with such esoteric energy.

So, this Sunday, I baked myself chocolate chip psychic thoughtform energy infused cookies and ate them. The voices have now been gone for several hours.

Their energy, supposedly now inside of me. Instead of being annoying and intrusive voices attacking my mind, their desires come up more like my regular thoughts, much more in harmony with the rest of my being.

One of the thoughtforms psychic psychological attacks against me was to replace my words with its own.

I could no longer produce certain words using my inner voice. I could speak the words, but no matter how hard I tried, when using my inner mental voice, my word was replaced with the word the thoughtform chose.

I found this particularly disturbing. If a thoughtform can replace any word in my vocabulary, what else could they take control of? One word of particular contention was “world.” Every time for the better part of a year when I tried to use the word “world” it got replaced with the word “room.”

I recall several times I had it out with the thoughtform as I tried to use the word “world” only to hear “room” in my mind. I threatened the thoughtform. I tried to explain that, no, it had the definition wrong. It insisted that my definition was wrong.

As the cookies were baking, I could hear the mumbles of my voices as if they were coming from the oven.

There was a vague sizzling sound that one usually gets from frying food, but not from baking that I found strange.

While the cookies baked, the thoughtform, for the first time in a year, produced a sentence in my mind using the word “world.” I mentally hugged the cookie.

I took special care baking them until I perceived they were done instead of being more Germanic and sticking strictly to an exact time. I waited for that familiar smell, a smell that I think those who cook are aware of, it’s the smell that what your cooking has finished. It’s the smell of completeness, peak flavor.

After I ate the cookies, the thoughtforms voice spoke in my mind. Its voice was more respectful and softer than usual. It said, “The ROOM is so big!”

I understood intuitively that it had finally accepted that my definitions of the words “world” and “room” were correct. That took a year. That gives you an idea of just how persistent and stubborn these entities can be.

I don’t know what “the world” looks like to a thoughtform, but I would now hazard a guess that they don’t venture very far from their creator and the place of their creation, i.e., the room.

For the first time in a year of arguing with it in vain, I think I understand for the first time why it psychically usurped my power to control my language. The room was its world. Perhaps the concept behind the word “world” scared it. Perhaps it didn’t believe me that a larger “world” outside of the room exists.

Now I just hope the effect lasts longer than the psychic surgery.

I remind myself that now I have a compelling reason to keep my anger and rage at having years of my life stolen from me in check. I don’t want to create more of these things.

I get a hint of affirmation that my psychic culinary witchcraft has worked while editing this document. I found myself replacing the general iterations of “you” and “yourself” with the more experiential “me” and “myself”. I felt as though I reclaimed part of my life and gained back more control.

This past year has educated me regarding the reality of thought-forms and psychic attacks more than I ever cared to know.

The one thing that keeps coming to my mind is: Why isn’t humanity at large aware of these creatures created by our minds? Why isn’t this more widely discussed?

How long have humans been around, anyway? These thought-forms, psychic balls of energy created by our own minds, slices of personality, negative “life forms” that attach themselves to us, draining us of our will to live, our self-confidence and our sanity have been with us this entire time.

Humanity’s strong need to live in denial of these things around us is causing unnecessary deaths not to mention keeping the human race in the dark about the true nature of reality. I see so many “scary” topics that our culture tries to ignore or deny away into nonexistence. We have fiercely and adamantly enforced this simple, single-minded worldview to our own detriment.

Today, I discovered more information exists regarding this issue than I was previously aware of.

A tulpa, also known as a thoughtform, is an independent entity brought into being by the power of belief. It starts out as an Imaginary Friend and gains sentience of its own, carries on a life independent of its creator and, according to some, can be seen and heard by others and can affect the world around them.

I had never heard the word “tulpa” before. It seems that societies before us accepted the reality of these entities. What’s our problem?

I thought my tulpas wanted to control my life, and if they couldn’t control it, they would ruin it.

I gave them the opportunity to seemingly achieve that goal through my ingestion of them making them a part of me. It now seems as though they wanted to return to the source of their creation, me.

This brought them closer to being human. They seem humbled now, having achieved a greater understanding beyond the strong and stubbornly insistent egos that they had developed when they were separate.

I wonder if a similar relationship exists between mankind and God.

Do we, ignorant of the larger reality, stubbornly insist on controlling our lives and our environment to our own detriment? Upon death, do we give up that idea when we reunite with our creator? I think the answer to both those questions is “yes.”

Thought Forms
Psychic Attack
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