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How To Confidently Present God's Irresistible Offer to Unbelievers

To get the best conversion rates around.

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Our Christian Kingdom assignments include presenting offers of salvation, witnessing and demonstrating the benefits of joining, and gaining converts.

But do you feel your efforts fall flat or come across as half-hearted like I used to?

Do you wish you saw more positive results from your witnessing? Or do you wonder if you're even 'doing it' right?

Feeling like you're letting God down is soul-crushing. Been there, done that. Look at it differently now.

A quick look at the offer

John 3:16,17 Author's Canva

Being in the Kingdom of God means we are Royals, and our genuine desire is to help our Dad grow the Kingdom — a Family business of sorts. We're all here to help each other on the mission.

So, we'll look closer at witnessing from a business marketing perspective to gain fellow loyal Royals for (eternal) life.

The kingdom offer is made to those who are perishing. But whoever of those people who believe that Jesus came to save them will have eternal life. It is the Gift of God.

We need to know the details of the offer. The 'Romans Road' describes the only way to Heaven. Study it, learn it, and follow it. *Or, You can purchase printed tracts.*

1. EVERYONE NEEDS SALVATION- For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. (Romans 3:23)

2. JESUS DIED FOR OUR SALVATION- God commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were sinners, Christ died for us. (Romans 5:8)

3. SALVATION IS A GIFT- The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. (Romans 6:23)

4. WE ARE SAVED BY GRACE- And if by grace, then is it no more of works: otherwise grace is no more grace. (Romans 11:6)

5. SALVATION COMES THROUGH FAITH- To him that … believeth on Him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness. (Romans 4:5)

6. GOD SAVES ALL WHO CALL UPON HIM- Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. (Romans 10:13)

There are two presentation methods: threatening harm or being irresistible.

Making an offer they can't refuse (but likely will)


  1. A threatening offer by one party for which the results of failing to accept are so unattractive that the other party is almost compelled to take — (threat): extortion
  2. An offer from one side in a transaction with attractive terms that the other side is almost guaranteed to accept. (attractive offer)

It's easy to see which way works best. However, way #1 still gets used by our Kingdom family.

Choose Heaven or go to hell. It may have an element of truth, but God so LOVED the world. He is not demanding allegiance, or He'll throw you in hell. People are already hell-bound, and He wants us saved and safe with Him!

If you tell someone they must get saved, their inclination is not to. They will not be fully open to the Holy Spirit's work.

Give an attractive offer that's harder to refuse

Photo by Joel Muniz on Unthat's

Knowing a bit about and using marketing makes presenting the Gospel offer much more receivable. I'm sharing five components of a good pitch to help you turn prospects into converts.

1: Give a clear promise:

EX: Eternal life without strife. Be connected to God's life now! God will never leave you or lose you.

Find a pain point if you don't know one already.

EX: If you're sick and tired of living this way, I know how you can live a new way. I'd love to tell you about it.

2: Unique value proposition:

Communicate your unique value proposition and discuss what sets Jesus apart from His competition for their soul.

EX: Only God is good. Jesus is the only way to God.

EX: Jesus is light and eternal life, the devil is darkness and eternal death.

3: Specific outcomes:

EX: Personal access to God 24/7. That is specific and unique!

EX: They will understand the bible a lot better. They become Royals!

4: Testimonial/social proof:

You should add your witness to these truths as best as possible.

EX: I overcame nail biting, or I stopped being mean to my neighbor bit by bit after I accepted the offer.

EX: That devil is a liar and got me into many hurtful jambs. Being a new creation helps me stay out of trouble.

5: A compelling Call To Action is a must:

Make sure the prospect, uh, unsaved person, knows that this is a time-limited offer.

God IS going to end this present way of darkness in the world.

No more night, no more pain — No more tears, never crying again….

Ask them how they feel and imagine what it would be like to have abundant life.

Would you like me to pray with you to accept Jesus as your Savior and receive new life?

Canva/ New Converts!

…… there is joy before the angels of God over one sinner who repents. Luke 15:10

Imagine how satisfying it will feel to lead a sinner to salvation, having been confident of that good seed you helped plant and reap the harvest.

God's your Father — Share His offer and pray for a win

I hope you found these tips encouraging and actionable. God is always with us anyway, so there is no reason to worry about our performance while working.

The real work belongs to the Holy Spirit. I do like the idea of using gospel tracts.

The Kingdom is a family business, and Dad wants us to participate with Him in gathering the fullness of Gentiles into the flock …..

So, in your hearts, revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to answer everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect. 1Peter 3:15(NIV)

It is exciting and satisfying work for sure; be part of it!

I would love to see other ideas around witnessing techniques. Do let me know if you think I missed the mark somewhere.

The five steps were taken from this article: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/5-essential-components-irresistible-offer-guide-business-rana-saini/

  • I prefer to avoid applying worldly wisdom to spiritual truths, so you can talk to Dad to see if I goofed. Remember, it's 24/7 access!
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