avatarEric Kulbiej


How To Celebrate 100 Followers

It can be done and I have done it

Photo by Ray Hennessy on Unsplash

Tell me, is there a better feeling than going to sleep when having 60–70 followers only to wake up having 100? There is one — reaching 110 just before getting to my PC to write this piece.

I can’t say it’s been a long journey. Yet:

  1. I’ve been on Medium for 3 weeks now already.
  2. I have been writing every day, posting at least one article daily.

Maybe that’s not an achievement, yet, but surely a few steps down the road of one.

How I did it

Reaching 100 followers has been the fruit of two main factors:

  • organic growth, due to my consistent publishing routine,
  • collaboration with other new and aspiring writers to reach the threshold of 100 followers.

As far as the other factor is concerned, it is in major part thanks to the #100followersIn48hoursChallenge that is pretty popular on this website. And you know what? It works wonders.

And the best thing — you can follow the same advice to get your profile to reach the magic barrier in no time.

Do I even like being on Medium?

Short answer, yes.

Long answer, yes because:

  • The editor is no-nonsense. You write there and do not care about formatting. The build-in functions are simple, aesthetic and satisfying to use.
  • The layout of the articles is minimalistic and beautiful in design. After publishing a piece it is a joy to read or share those.
  • Writing is rewarding thanks to the feedback and input from publicity.
  • Reading others’ works is beneficial as you can learn new things or embrace different viewpoints, many of which are thought-provoking.

One of the very interesting features that Medium has is the possibility to team up and either join an existing publication or start a brand new one. I did both.

I have been accepted at Illumination and Better Humans, and already succeeded to publish there.

Moreover, I have established and curated for a while so far now publication, called Smartacity. It already features 6 prolific writers, myself included. Maybe you want to be part of the ever-growing Smartacity family?

How do I celebrate?

Photo by Adi Goldstein on Unsplash

First of all, I would like to say thanks to all my followers. The first battalion of readers is the most important one. Thank you all!

Oliwia Wilk, Aiza, Observation Corner, Benjamin Bennett Alexander, Kaushik Trivedi, Gilbert Kon, Ratna Srivastava, Kiara Hayes, BabyWrites, Dawn Salois, ClioNaut, Rawisglenn, William Saint Val, ASAD EDUCATE, David G Chen, Evan Slusser, Sylvio Kuplevatsky, Timothy Kincaid, B_Queen, Simone Rigoni, Gerald Sturgill, Grace Leverich, Gökhan Yalcuk, Blue, MarQuella Matthews, Jada Robbins, Jane McPheron, Sam Maloney, Ifrah ubaid, Laurence, Srikanth, Ty Thomas, Gabby Gabs, Daniel Mesa, Tyler C. Newman, Bridget Stones, Advait Lad, Annabelle Berard, Faye Belle, Mackenzie Tittle, Ed S, Drake Flyer, Simer Dhume, Postcolonial Intimacies by Youmna, Ifeoluwa A., Jessie Kuo, Fast, Giovanni Valdata, Amy Beth Dugliss, Kimberlee, Stoic Teacher, Melie Doyle, Saniya Jafri, JAY_HILLZ, ReddyyZ, Juanita, Adesola Orimalade, Nicole Wallet, coinlocally, Beryl Broekman, Alisha Kurji, Mujib Gouri, Lilith Helstrom, Daniele Quero, PhD, I love me more, Nigelleaney, Carlo Zeno, contraquill / paolo's written work, Delia Pena-Gay, Petra Papp, Yana Voynique, Lenny Faces, Ratneshwar Prasad Sinha, Aisha Shamim, A.Polo, Reni Jane, Aakash Dahal, Colin Matson-Jones, Ebi Owugah, Sukant Palo, Amy Sarah King, Víctor Masip, MW Mercer, Hugh Anetoh, Jason Edmunds, Wei hung Pan, ILLUMINATION, Mariia Gusarova, Jaylen, Gluten-free eater, Satyen Kumar, Isaac, Clipper, Rinor Tafolli, Jeffrey Goodman, Dr Mehmet Yildiz, Copy And Paste Symbols, Nikolaos Skordlils, Chase Dillon, Shelley Wenger, Heather Atherton, Mark B. Gilgam, Kurtis Hanni, Balpolam Idi, Apisathan Sivananthanathan, Randomhand, Manthan, Joseph Fairweather, Abdullrahman burhan, Prince Nyamekye, Rice, WalkingDisaster, Jonny Masters, Bunny The Compiler, Jim Meisner Jr., AJ Hodges.

Thanks again, all of you!

Now, if you will excuse me, I shall attend my personal part of the celebration — the champagne bottle remains still unopened. I have to see to it without delay…

Hi, it’s Eric. Thank you for reading. I hope you’ve found the article at least slightly compelling. What can you do now?


Writing Tips
100 Followers On Medium
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