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The article outlines strategies for writers to enhance their storytelling and increase reader engagement and earnings, likening effective writing to the traction provided by a 4-wheel-drive vehicle in challenging conditions.


The article "How To Boost Your Stories With 4-Wheel-Drive Traction" emphasizes the importance of creating compelling content that captivates readers, encouraging writers to strive for repeat engagement similar to achieving traction in off-road driving. It suggests that a combination of an interesting topic, powerful storytelling (the engine), and skilled writing (the driver) is essential to attract and retain readers, drawing an analogy between a well-constructed vehicle and a well-written story. The author advises writers to commit time to their craft, push their limits, and learn from successful peers while also emphasizing the importance of self-care and realistic goal-setting to maintain their creative engine.


  • The author believes that writers, like vehicles, need the right combination of elements to succeed, with the "engine" representing the story's action and characters, and the "driver" representing the writer's skill.
  • Repeat readership is seen as a key indicator of a story's success, much like the repeat business in other sectors.
  • The article suggests that writers should not only focus on efficiency (fuel economy) but also ensure their content has the power (traction) to engage readers fully.
  • Self-comparison with successful peers is recommended as a way to identify areas for improvement and to set benchmarks for personal success.
  • The author stresses the necessity of rest, maintenance, and proper nutrition (fuel) for writers to sustain their writing quality and output over time.

How To Boost Your Stories With 4-Wheel-Drive Traction

Kick your earnings into overdrive now and climb the reading views mountain to glory

Photo by Eddy Billard on Unsplash
  • Are you having doubts about your writing talent?
  • Do you wish your content had more success?
  • Are your earnings having a sub-par performance as slide down the writing leaderboard?

If you answered yes to one or more of these questions, then you could be in search of a content creator solution that’s waiting for you to find it.


If you have ever driven in the snow in a mountain pass with two-wheel drive like I have, then you know the feeling of your vehicle going sideways or not moving at all.

It’s not fun having minimum power and trying to do maximum work. Just like a little compact car versus a vehicle with four-wheel drive, writers want both great fuel economy but plenty of power to get through the snow-covered highways.

What does that mean?

Often I find myself wanting to be as efficient as I can be as a writer but I also strive and hope for maximum views and engagement.

This could be possible. But you are going to need some traction to get where you want to go as a writer.

Photo by Filip Bunkens on Unsplash

Writing Traction

Success in this world is often about repeat business. That is what I consider traction for the writing community.

If you have content worth reading and worth sharing, that is likely to get you plenty of views and earnings too.

This morning I woke up and the first thing I did was grab my phone and look up a story I read the day before. I will not mention the name of the news site that hosted the article, other than to say it is well-known and they often create great content.

“I agree to read it again," I thought to myself.

After all, the piece was written really well and had a mystery component. There were clues in the story that gave insight to an interesting part of the world, and the writer created fascinating characters in an unforgettable environment.

This story that I wanted to read again had enough reaction that it pulled me back into it once again. Regardless of all of the other priorities in my life, I actually made time to read the content again.

Actually, I might go back to it a third time. That’s how much traction the story had on me. And that’s the power of great writing.

Photo by Josiah Farrow on Unsplash

Your Powerful Writer Engine

How can the average person hope to have awesome traction with four-wheel-drive force as a writer?

What do you need to get to the point that you pull in high numbers of repeat readers of your stories and content?

I don’t have all of the answers to these questions, but I can give advice that I would also give to myself.

Building Your Vehicle

First, I recommend having an interesting topic that is worth writing about and that is likely to bring in a lot of readers. Let’s make this the frame of your car or truck.

Second, you better pick an engine that can give power to all four tires. This is the aforementioned traction that you are going to need for the long run. This engine should be the action happening inside your story idea. The action and characters are the force that moves the tires.

Third, you need a good driver, and that’s the writer of the content. Some drivers are not great in real life, while others are exceptionally good and safe on the road. The same goes for writers who put in a ton of effort at writing beautifully, creating distinct characters, developing memorable dialogue, and moving the story along the way.

Photo by Axel Eres on Unsplash

You Can Write Great Content

Just because something seems challenging doesn’t mean that it is impossible.

You will need to do the work that comes with creating memorable content that gets many views, reads and comments. That is easier said than done.

Writing a story that gets traction and repeat reads and engagement will require a lot of things from any writer. Here are some of those things:

  • A time commitment. Expect to put in plenty of minutes and hours on the road to a fantastic story.
  • Push yourself. A big wonderful story is going to need an engine to push you there, so make sure you can turn it on when you need to do so.
  • Compare yourself. Often in life you might want to achieve things that others are doing. If so, you are going to need to compare yourself to them and see what you need to do to match their success.

Lastly, the powerful engine and four-wheel-drive drive that makes up the writer you’ve become will need rest and maintenance. You will need to take care of yourself.

  • Don’t drive yourself through tough writing assignments all of the time
  • Be mindful of your skills and deficiencies
  • Set realistic writing goals given your schedule
  • And remember to give your writing vehicle the right fuel, which means get rest and eat healthy.

Yes, I probably will read that fascinating story I mentioned earlier. It’s a wonderful read and a good reminder to me of what content with traction is all about.

Photo by Josue Michel on Unsplash
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