avatarMikael Tashi


Persistence in pursuing one's goals, coupled with adaptability and resilience in the face of failure, is key to achieving success, as exemplified by Jerry Weintraub's relentless pursuit of taking Elvis Presley on tour.


The article emphasizes the importance of persistence in achieving one's dreams, suggesting that consistent effort and an unwavering commitment to goals can lead to success. It argues that persistence does not equate to stubbornly sticking to a single path but involves adapting and moving forward when necessary. The story of Jerry Weintraub's determination to secure a tour with Elvis Presley, despite numerous rejections, serves as a powerful testament to the rewards of persistence and adaptability. The article also notes that failure is a choice, implying that perseverance is a conscious decision that can lead to the fulfillment of every dream.


  • Persistence, combined with hard work, is presented as a guaranteed pathway to success.
  • The article suggests that staying on a single path isn't necessary; adaptation is a

How To Be More Persistent

Photo by charlesdeluvio on Unsplash

In life, to get what you want, you have not to give up. If you are present and work hard enough, people will eventually give you what you want.

If you are persistent enough and work every day towards your goals, and you don’t give up, there is no chance you will not crush every dream you have. You also have to keep in mind that failure is a choice. If you never quit you are never going to fail.

“The Temptation to Quit Is Greatest Just Before You Succeed” Bob Parsons

Many people misunderstand the concept of being persistent and staying in their path.

Although it is true that in order to make it in life, you need to stay on your path and maintain a level of focus throughout the journey, it does not have to be one single path that you choose from day one and stick to it, because guess what it may be the wrong one.

Your goal is to stay on the path, not the same path. Adapt and move on.

Jerry Weintraub had a dream when he was 26 years old. He wanted to take Elvis Presley out on the road for a tour, but the problem was that he was a nobody. So he called his secretary and said he wanted to take Elvis on the road for a tour; of course, he was dismissed. Most of the people in his case would have stopped, but he kept calling again and again for a year, more than 360 calls, which he has been rejected every time. One day, his secretary told him to hide behind a plant in the elevator until Elvis got in, and he had 10 seconds until the elevator reached the 4th floor to give the best pitch of his life. So he did and managed to take Elvis for a tour.

Where everyone would have quit he stayed focused and persistent and that's what made him what he is today.

Until Next Time…

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