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The article reflects on the powerful and unpredictable nature of the sea, emphasizing its ability to both give and take away.


The author of the article recounts their personal experience with the sea, describing its calming and cleansing effects as well as its unpredictable and sometimes destructive nature. The sea is depicted as a force that can bring joy and serenity but also has the power to cause loss and chaos, regardless of human status or intention. Through a narrative of a beach visit, the author illustrates the sea's moods, from tranquil waves to the roaring sounds that drown out anxieties. However, the sea's might is also shown in a cautionary tale where personal belongings are lost to the waves, and in broader terms, through the devastation caused by events like the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami. The article concludes with a reminder of the sea's indiscriminate power and the importance of respect and caution when engaging with it.


  • The sea has a dual nature, capable of providing peace and happiness as well as demonstrating destructive power.
  • The author feels a deep connection with the sea, finding solace in its presence and rhythm.
  • The sea is portrayed as an entity with moods and a will of its own, emphasizing its uncontrollable and unpredictable nature.
  • The author believes that the sea does not discriminate based on human constructs like wealth or race, reinforcing its indiscriminate power.
  • A personal anecdote of losing a sandal clip to the sea serves as a metaphor for its ability to take away possessions, symbolizing its overwhelming strength.
  • The sea's lessons are profound and humbling, teaching respect for nature's forces and the importance of humility in the face of the vastness of the ocean.
  • The article suggests that while the sea can be enjoyed, it must be approached with caution and an understanding of its potential for causing natural disasters like tsunamis and floods.

How The Sea Is Powerful AndTakes Away What It Wants

Sea is so powerful it takes things you even try to hide

The photos clicked by the author

The water bodies in the world cover more than 70 percent of the Earth’s surface.

The terms “ocean” and “sea” are used interchangeably by us but there is a difference between the two terms. Seas are smaller than oceans and are usually located where the land and ocean meet. Seas are partially enclosed by land.

I spent 4 days in a seaside town and most of the time I put my feet in the water and felt the calm and peace within me. The sea breeze took away the heat of the atmosphere. The water was pleasantly cold and made me happy in its environment. The sea is enigmatic. In one moment it beckons you and the other it can signal you that it does not like you.

The sea gave me a lot of happiness. It was quiet and peaceful sometimes and Sometimes it was naughty and it had lofty waves. The sea has many moods.

At first, I saw the sunrise and sunset at the beach. I jumped with joy and did not want to leave the beach at all. I spent three days in a happy relationship with the sea. It felt as though it had drowned all sorrows in my life and brought only happy times.

Close to my thoughts, I quote Rainer Maria Rilke

“When anxious, uneasy, and bad thoughts come, I go to the sea, and the sea drowns them out with its great wide sounds, cleanses me with its noise, and imposes a rhythm upon everything in me that is bewildered and confused.”

I also felt the calmness and I loved the sounds and the rhythm of the water moving in waves that were thin as well as loud. I felt I was cleansed of all doubts while there was peace around me.

I enjoyed it a lot. I went dancing with the waves. I also sang the Yogananda song. I am a bubble make me the sea.

I was thinking of my granddaughter who is a water baby and loves to swim and looks so innocent with water trickling over her face. My happy thoughts were suddenly interrupted.

I heard a child shouting for help that the waves were taking it in and the sand was shifting its place as the child was losing its balance. He was wailing away and people were running skelter trying to save the children.

I began to think. You cannot trust the sea. It has its moods and it takes away whatever it wants and is ultimately more powerful than you are.

I then began to reflect. The sea does not see who is rich or poor. why a person or thing should be there. It suddenly wants something and takes it. It is all-powerful.

It throws things and people out and then it swallows it all. I recently had an experience.

I specially packed my crocs sandals for my visit to Pondicherry and the sea. I then went into the sea wearing them. See the picture above. The sea took away the ornamental round clip from one of the sandals. It probably was determined to take the other one too but it just would not budge.

I came home and I saw that one beautiful clip was missing. I tried to take the other one out but could not either. Now one piece of footwear is with an ornamental clip and the other without it. The sea had decided to swallow it. I could see it in the water but I could not get it back.

I saw a lot of shells. Before I could pick it up the sea came in a huge wave and took it back with it and I could not get it even though I liked some pieces of shells a lot.

Did the sea listen to me?

Obviously not! It explained to me that I was nothing before it. I should not try to be over-smart. This was a great lesson learned from it.

Lessons learned

  • Respect the sea. It is part of nature and it is very powerful..
  • The sea can give you happiness or even sadness.
  • The sea never sees your status. You may be rich or poor, black or white it will take you if it wants you.
  • The sea has been created to have power over you.
  • It can make you or break you whenever it wants.

Last thoughts

There was a tsunami in the Andamans in 2004 and the sea swept all the houses. It did not care whose house it was. It just ran over it making people miserable. There were floods in many parts of the world. So many people and animals died.

Floods are natural disasters and happen when an overflow of water submerges dry land. They can happen if there is heavy rainfall, when the snow melts rapidly, or when there is a storm, cyclone, or tsunami in coastal areas.

While the water bodies can cause havoc when they are angry, they can also give you happiness and a calm feeling. We always need to take care of our moods and work according to them.

The sea can take away whatever and whenever it wants and people will look at it helplessly.

Enjoy the sea but with caution, respect it too!

©Dr. Preeti Singh, 2022.

Life Lessons
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