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How Robert Greene’s Wisdom & Zen Meditation Will Impact Your Life

My Quest for Productivity


I recently read Robert Greene’s “Mastery.”

Ever since I read this book, I have been constantly asking myself one question:

How many years must Robert Greene have spent on research to write this masterpiece?

Is it 5, 10, 20, or more?

If you will read just ten books in your lifetime, “Mastery” must be on that list.

This book contains knowledge from various fields, such as science, history, psychology, literature, anthropology, music, etc.

The core message of this book is that creativity is not some mysterious, divine, and superhuman power that only a few people possess.

Instead, creativity is something that can be learned through years of hard work, practice, and by using effective ways of thinking.

Robert Greene despises the term “genius.”

Instead of “genius,” he uses the term “master” because the people we call geniuses have mastered their field.

And this book teaches us how to attain that kind of mastery in any field.

You get to learn about the science behind creativity, effective learning methods, ways to develop social intelligence, and much more.

What’s more interesting is that you learn all this while getting inspired by the life stories of creative geniuses.

Oh, sorry, not geniuses… masters of various fields who came from different social backgrounds and lived in different ages.

Robert Greene’s Impressive Body of Work.

Finally, after reading “Mastery,” I decided to research Robert Greene himself — his research process, productivity habits, and unique ability to organize information skillfully.

I watched his interviews and read many blogs about him, but I need more conclusive.

I admit I got a little frustrated, but then I realized I wasn’t looking where I was supposed to—Robert Greene’s blog.

I know, of course, it was so obvious.

Robert Greene’s Productivity Secrets.

If you subscribe to his email list on his blog, you will get a PDF where he shares the secret strategies that help him write and think.

In the opening passage, Robert Greene writes,

“Throughout the course of my career, I have experimented with ways of making myself more productive, both physically and mentally. Having energy has been essential to my work as a writer, with all of the research required for my books and the deadlines inherent in publishing.

In this document, I share with you some of the wisdom that has come from constant experimentation, reflection, and consistent results. My journey in mastering my writing process did not happen overnight. In fact, it took many years of tinkering and experimenting.

What I learned is that willpower, the intensity of desire, and practice can take us to levels of performance we never thought possible. It is my hope that you use these secrets to become a better writer, thinker, and master of your own fate.”

He shares his three topmost productivity secrets.

1. Zen Meditation.

Robert Greene has been practicing Zen meditation, known as Zazen, every morning since the beginning of his career as a writer.

Zen meditation helps him concentrate better while reading, researching, and writing.

With its help, he has become better at focusing on the things that matter and leaving out the rest. In this document, while emphasizing the importance of Zen Meditation, Robert Greene says,

“When we focus deeply on whatever is before us, we slowly gain greater powers of mental perception and are able to see deeper and deeper into things. We see the connection between the phenomena. We awaken higher levels of intelligence. This is the same higher form of intelligence that every master, genius, or inventor possesses.”

Zen meditation can help you attain such a higher form of intelligence.

2. The Notecard System.

About his research, Robert Greene writes,

“My research process has been essential to my work as a writer. It is one of the secret weapons I have that separates me from other writers. For each book I write, I read about 250 books.”

Reading 250 books to write one — I don’t know what to say; I don’t have words to express my astonishment.”

I wonder how he remembers and organizes vast amounts of information that he gathers after reading so many books.

He must be using an exceptional note-taking system. And yes, there it is — the Notecard system. While reading a book, Robert Greene underlines the critical passages and sections and adds notes on the side.

After he is done with the reading, he sets that book aside for a week or so and thinks deeply about the lessons he learned. Then he goes back to that book and looks at all the essential passages he has underlined.

He then writes down the passages, sections, or facts that he thinks are useful for his book project on notecards and then organizes those notecards into various categories or according to his needs.

3. Rigorous Exercise Routine

Robert Greene’s next secret is his rigorous exercise routine. On his exercise routine, Robert Greene writes,

“I have adhered to a rigorous workout schedule, alternating my exercise between swimming, bicycling, and a stretching routine.”

His exercise routine is based on the plateau effect, which helps him build endurance. Many pro athletes use this strategy. You have to stay at your maximum capacity for a long time to build up endurance.

If you increase your workout level by a slight increment, eventually, you reach a point at which it is no longer so tiring.

If you increase the level again, you gain diminishing returns as you experience more profound levels of tiredness, undermining further progress.

If you remain at the earlier level longer (the plateau), over time, you will make substantial gains in endurance.

For example, if you can do 20 push-ups in one go and over time if you keep increasing the number of push-ups you do, you will eventually find it challenging to increase the number of push-ups. That’s the plateau.

Closing Thoughts from wordsmithwriter I Anshul Kummar

As a writer and content creator, I found Greene’s productivity secrets invaluable.

Zen meditation aids in enhancing focus and deep thinking, the Notecard System streamlines information organization, and a rigorous exercise routine maintains high energy levels throughout the day.

These productivity secrets can benefit anyone looking to improve their writing, thinking, and overall mastery of their craft.

Life Lessons
Self Improvement
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