How Not To Participate in Violence
This is a tough one. Who knows what is best? At least violence is bad and harmful.
Violence is not an excuse to take things into your own hands. This is the wrong way anyhow. You know this, and I know this. It is the wrong way because you don’t get anywhere on acting with violence!
What do you get while using violence?
Totally nothing.
You have to think by yourself how you became that violence. How come? What if you have seen it from your parents, brothers, and sisters? Because they were doing it too? Then you think you are allowed to use violence too?
If you never learned otherwise, you will think it is one of those things you are allowed to do. So, you participate in violence too. You think you will get what you want because people will be afraid and do what you want when you use violence.
In fact, the opposite is true. People will walk away from you because they won’t be surrounded by you when you use violence. People know when to walk away with those people.
You don’t get the power over someone else with the violation.
But how can we not participate in violence? That is so tough question to answer.
I’ll give it a try.
How to be aware of violence
You’re feeling the anger of being around coloured people, you’re feeling the anger when people disagree with you constantly, you’re feeling the anger to not feel heard.
Your frustration gets higher and higher. You feel the anger above the norm of talking with one another. You don’t know how to express your feelings. That’s why you make fists and make your body big to assert you.
What you think first about those people could make you angrier. The thoughts you get are frustrating. You make those fists. That is violence.
But your feelings and your thoughts can be regulated by how you keep track of those feelings and thoughts. I have been in therapy and my first therapist gave me a fight session — boxing onto a fight pillow. I was relieved I did one, although I don’t use any violence in my life. I knew there were a lot of issues I had in my system that needed to get out somehow. My therapist told me this might work.
As said I never used violence, but I can assure you to go into therapy in the first place. You might think it doesn’t work. In the beginning, it is difficult to keep track of the sessions as you have to get used to the way your therapist works. When you know, you both know the sessions will work or not. Also, you’ll be relieved you could talk to someone you don’t know and just tell your story, even if it is your doctor.
Even if it is difficult for you, talk to your friends and family about what you feel. It helps you give it space in your system and you’ll be more clear to see if your thoughts are for real or if your thoughts become you have been told so.
Violence could be one of those thoughts. When you feel you want to be violence, just a million time to ten. It helps to feel more rest in your system. And think twice about what you want to do. I understand there will be a lot of frustration, but that is exactly why people use violence.
Another option is to keep a diary with all your thought in it. Dig deep into your feelings how you feel, what you think and breathe deep when you don’t want to talk or write about, but just do it anyway. I promise you’ll feel relieved. Build in a moment in your day when you do this.
What I mentioned is mostly all you do at the same time. That is fine, and yes, sometimes all in so overwhelming. I understand.