avatarJerry Pompilio


How Many Years Are Enough?

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I Had enough after only 69 years, Have You?

This is not what I wanted to write about this week, I just couldn’t think about anything else but this.

We know putting the news on first thing in the morning is a big mistake. You can’t help it. You have this need to know. Need to know what’s going on in the world since you went to sleep.

It’s a terrible way to start your day.

I had enough of what for 69 years?


Listening to the news this morning, the realization came over me. Our country has been involved in wars as long as I’ve been alive.

As a Matter of fact, the world has been at war forever.

When we look at history, we see the world has and is at constant war.

Crazy. I can’t think of another word for it. Is it not the definition of insanity?

Insanity | inˈsanədē | noun the state of being seriously mentally ill; madness:

How much longer will it take humanity to realize it, wars are just not effective in preventing wars. It’s doing the same thing over and over, expecting different results.

Think this selected governing class will ever admits they have it all wrong?

Not looking too good yet.

If we don’t end war, war will end us.

H. G. Wells

Like it’s said, “You Can’t Fix Stupid”. I’ve given this a lot of thought, being stupid myself. I have another article I wrote about it you might get a laugh.

You Can’t Fix Stupid, You Can Avoid It

Tell me this isn’t amazing?

We don’t need to get all wrapped up in the details of every war. For general purposes, let’s sum it up like this.

Some but-heads get to govern a country. Either by force or vote. Then one or more of these but-heads thinks he’s or she’s so good at running their country they think they should run someone else’s country. Why?

They have gotten so good at exploiting, oppressing, and challenging their citizens to survive, we need to do it to some more poor slobs. That’s about it in a nutshell. Yes, there are some nuances to it.

I guess we could sum it up with one word “GREED.”

War: a massacre of people who don’t know each other for the profit of people who know each other but don’t massacre each other.

Paul Valery

But is it really all their fault?

Unfortunately for us, it’s not all their fault.

We share this fault, having allowed them to rule over us.

Reasons that vary from person to person, we continue to allow these same people to lead us.

The question then follows. What is it about us that allows this to happen?

That’s a question no one wants to talk about

I have to admit it myself. I’m greedy, just like the rest of us. I know it and try to be aware of it and keep it in check. It’s hard not to need and want things special for us.

You need something just to survive. It’s the wants that get us in trouble.

America and the rest of the developed world, we have a problem. And the developing world has its own set of problems. As we have now learned will also be our problem.

This is for another article I’ve been working on for some time. It’s a long one.

So doomed for another 69 years?

No. Not me. I doubt I’ll be around for another 69 years.

Older men declare war. But it is the youth that must fight and die.

Herbert Hoover

For the future, I hope not. Who will find the courage? The courage to tell their people the truth.

Starting with no! You can’t have anything and everything you want. We’ll all work together to first have all our needs.

As for wants? That’s really the whole story. Isn’t it.

Thank you for hearing me out. Love to hear your feeling.

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To a wonderful life

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