avatarAshish Nishad


How Many Animals Lose Their Habitats Due to Deforestation

An average of 137 species of life forms is driven into extinction every day in the world’s tropical rainforests.

Photo by Vitolda Klein on Unsplash

I live in India in a small city. But I love wildlife, I like animals and pets. I travel a lot in a different city. I enjoy most Hiking and travelling with friends. Last month I went trekking with a friend. I do much fun with friends and enjoy wildlife.

I spend one week in the forest and experience a different sense. But one thing every day stuck in the mind people are cutting trees. I feel very sad when people are cutting tree in front of me.

How beautiful trees look. But I shame on people who cut trees. When people are cutting tree they don’t know how much impact on the environment. Many birds are live in trees. The tree has a home for him. If people are cutting trees where they live. We don’t think about it.

Cutting trees badly impact the environment ecosystem. Pollution increases the chance of global warming will increase. Earth has become warmer. In this condition, people are unable to survive in this world.

In this world, pollution is bad effects on humans body. We see on a news channel older people feel difficulty in breathing and headache. Because the outside atmosphere is highly polluted. The vehicles are releasing too much carbon dioxide that affects peoples and the atmosphere. Cutting trees also a reason for increasing pollution in the environment. Trees are helping to reduce pollution from the environment.

Degradation Of Habitat in wildlife

Human activity badly affects the ecosystem. People are cutting a forest that affects wildlife animals. They do not have a home. Many animals are lives in trees. If people are cuts trees they start moving -in urban areas. Many animals are dying due to road accident.

Another main reason for loss of habitat most forest is covert into agricultural land. Peoples are cut trees for industry and manufacturing household products.

The peoples are not thinking about wildlife animals. How much impact on his life. How they survive without forest.

Due to deforestation, many species are extinct from the forest. We always listen to the news channel. Many bird species are extinct from the forest. We do not pay attention but this bad for our ecosystem.

Photo by Janusz Maniak on Unsplash

How much habitat is destroyed each year?

According to the survey current rate of deforestation is 160,000 square kilometre per year. This is equal to a loss of approx 1% of the original forest habitat each year.

Animals are losing their habitats due to pollution, invasive and change in the ecosystem processes. Such as fires and rainforest. It badly affects animals habitats.

How many animals lose their habitats due to deforestation?

According to recent estimates, the everyday world losing 137 species of plant, animals and insects due to deforestation. This number is horrifying 50,000 species become part of this every year.

Deforestation affecting both animals and the environment. Trees helping in making the environment fresh and pollution-free. Due to deforestation climate change, soil erosion, flooding and increase greenhouse gases in the atmosphere that affecting human health.

Deforestation has a major issue behind increasing pollution. Vehicles are releasing too much carbon dioxide that increases air pollution. Right now in the atmosphere has a huge amount of toxic gas. Trees are having a major role in cleaning and controlling climate control. If we not spreading awareness about this one day we unable to survive in this world.

What are the effects of deforestation?

We people are cutting millions of trees every year. In wildlife many animals losing habitats due to deforestation. Many animals are losing life due to deforestation.

Due to deforestation earth is becoming warmer every year. Increasing greenhouse gases in that atmosphere. Right now in the atmosphere have too much toxic gas. That affects the human body badly.

  1. Climate change
  2. Increase in Global warming
  3. Soil erosion
  4. Fewer crops
  5. Flooding
  6. Increased greenhouse gases in the atmosphere

We human it’s very important to spreads awareness to people stop deforestation. We have to save our earth from global warming, toxic gas, soil erosion and flooding.

What are the causes of deforestation?

The population are growing every day. We people need more land for agriculture and accommodation. Industry growing peoples are cutting trees for coal, and mining minerals. In this world minerals required every human need. The demand for minerals has more in this world.

Causes of deforestation

  • Agricultural Activites
  • Paper
  • Wood-based industry
  • Urbanization
  • Desertification of land
  • Mining
  • Forest Fires
  • Overpopulation

What are Solutions to stop deforestation?

Government regulation to curb the felling of trees by enforcing a series of rule and laws to govern it. Government has to take illegal action if some cut trees without permission. Then it can reduce it should be easily applied by government.

We people need to reduce the consumption of paper. In our household, most of the products are made of paper. And we need to try to recycle the paper for reuse.

If we are spread awareness to peoples to stop cutting the trees. Then it will be reduced. People will aware of cutting trees hardly affecting our atmosphere. Many animals are losses habitat due to cutting trees.

  1. Government Regulation
  2. Banning cutting of forest
  3. Reduces consumption of paper
  4. Spread awareness about deforestation
  5. Purchase from sustainable, forest-friendly companies

We start working and spreads awareness about deforestation. It definitely works after some time. People will care about the forest. And they stop cutting trees.

Bottom Line

Working towards our environment it’s our responsibility. We all have a responsibility to make our environment pollution-free.

Where we live definite plants trees around. It helps a lot. It provides fresh air and oxygen to peoples. Trees also have a home for many birds.

Trees have many major roles in our society and animals life. Without trees, life is not possible on the earth. We all have to take responsibility to take care of them.

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