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How Is The Law Of Attraction Relevant To You

Photo by Casey Horner on Unsplash

Abraham Hicks said, “Think of yourself as a human magnet, attracting what you speak, think, and feel.”

Let’s begin with a definition of The Law Of Attraction. Wikipedia states “The law of attraction is the New Thought spiritual belief that positive or negative thoughts bring positive or negative experiences into a person’s life.”

The Law of Attraction can be compared with a mirror of life. Like any mirror, it will reflect back to you exactly what image you put into it. The mirror is neutral so it adds or subtracts nothing to the return image.

If you look into your bathroom mirror with mussed hair and a cut on your chin. You will get back an image of messed up hair and a cut on your chin, no more and no less.

If you look into your bathroom mirror with a smile on your face, you will get a smiling image in return.

The Mirror of life can be exemplified by waking up in the morning and immediately stubbing your toe. You now have two choices. Saying “Drats, this is going to be a lousy day.” If this is your choice, it is probable that you will have a lousy day.

Or, you could say “God, help me,” and go on with your day. If this is your choice, you have a much better chance of it being a better day.

It is not brain surgery! Put negativity into your day in any form and you will get negativity right back. Put positivity into your day and you will receive positivity back.

However, this does not mean that your day will be filled with laughs and chuckles because life keeps on coming at you. What it does mean is that, as challenges appear, the proper response will come from you and your decision-making will be proper for the occasion.

Thank you, God!

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