avatarSami Ullah Shahzad


An author on Medium shares their strategy for achieving over 2,100 views in a single day by focusing on optimizing article titles, subtitles, and featured images.


The article discusses the author's experience on Medium, where they managed to significantly increase their daily article views to over 1,700, with a peak of 2,100 views in one day. The author attributes this success to three key elements that readers see first: the article's title, subtitle, and featured image. By crafting compelling titles that offer solutions and using specific numbers and fun taglines, the author was able to increase click-through rates. Subtitles are enhanced by making claims, promising further solutions, and adding insights, while featured images are chosen for their ability to convey information quickly and engage the audience. The author emphasizes the importance of not using clickbait and provides practical examples to illustrate these strategies.


  • The author believes that the majority of writers overlook the importance of article titles, subtitles, and featured images, which are crucial for increasing viewership.
  • They stress the importance of providing genuine value in titles and subtitles to avoid clickbait, which can harm a writer's reputation.
  • The author suggests that using specific numbers in titles adds credibility and precision, making the article more appealing to potential readers.
  • They advocate for the use of vibrant and relevant images to quickly capture the audience's attention and complement the article's content.
  • The author is confident that implementing these strategies can lead to a significant increase in article views within a month.

How I Got 2,100+ Views In 1 Day— It’s Stupidly Easy (Proof)

Improve your article’s reach by changing these 3 things that only top 1% writers do.

Well, its been about 2.5 months since I started writing on Medium. However within a month of writing, I saw a peak in my daily views.

For weeks they literally averaged at about 1700+, and even hit 2,100 one day.

I was genuinely shocked at this unexpected rise in views.

So, what were the strategies I used to gain so much attention. Well you are gonna be shocked at how simple those strategies were and they effect they had on my articles.

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So without any further ado, let’s just dive into today’s article.

Photo by Catarina Carvalho on Unsplash

Essentially, when your article is recommended to a viewer in their feed, what are the 3 elements of your article that they see ? That’s right,

  • The title of the article
  • The subtitle of the article
  • The featured image used

So one thing is clear, that if focused on these 3 things only, you are surely going to make your the viewer click your article, hence increase your click through rate which in turn increases your views.

So next, we are just going to learn how you can make these 3 components better to skyrocket your views.

Writing A Converting Title

Alright, so when you write a title, only 1 thing is to be kept in mind,

“If this title pops up in my feed, will I click it ?”

Most of the times your answer is going to be no, even for your own titles. Let’s convert that no to a huge happy yes.

First of all, make sure to provide a solution to your audience in your title.

Take this article’s title for example.

Now you are only reading this article to gain more views on your articles right ? Which means my title is providing you with the solution and hence made you click it.

But please don’t clickbait your title, it will simply destroy your reputation for ever and you won’t make a penny. Misleading title will always harm you as a writer.

Secondly, in your title, use more specific numbers. This gives a you a lot of credibility and puts an impression on the audience that you have done your research.

Also in general, people like clicking titles with numbers since it gives them some idea about precision of article.

And Finally, always add some fun tagline in your title. This will put an impression on your audience of your professionalism and also add further credibility.

Let’s take a look at another example.

‘5 Ways To Grow Your YouTube Channel — Get Rid Of Straight Graphs’


‘Grow Your YouTube Channel With These Strategies’

I mean to me, its quite cleat which title I would click on. This is really great and practical method to immensely increase you article’s click through rate.

Subtitles Might Come In Handy

So the second element that the viewer sees before opening your article is subtitle and honestly, most of the times they just naturally read it too. Which puts it at a huge importance.

So here in the subtitle, you need to go into a bit depth. This is because most of the times, about 20–25 words of the subtitle are visible under the title.

So in subtitle, there are 3 things that you can add.

  • Make a claim
  • Promise further solution
  • Add an insight

Talking about this article’s subtitle, I’m providing a further solution to support the title of my article which gives even more credibility tome over all.

Images, The Thumbnail of Your Article

So I read somewhere that our minds comprehend images faster than the text which gives images some real importance.

So what type of images you should add ?

Well most of the times it depends on the type of article you write but here are most common images,

  • Add a Visual, representing some sort of data
  • Add an evidence, if you are storytelling
  • Add some vibrant colors, to catch audiences attention
  • Memes or GIF’s work great too

If you bring all these small changes to your article, I guarantee you’ll see results within this month.

Proof of Views

Image By Author

So this it with the article, I hope you liked it.

If you did, do follow me on Twitter and also Subscribe to my AI and Tech newsletter Bull’s Club.

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