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How I Got 100 followers in 1 Month

I tripled my followers in one month!

Photo Credit: Cristian Dina on Pexels

I wasn’t really worried about followers until we all got the news. At the time I only had 51 followers and I was only gaining a few followers a month. I knew I had to make a change if I wanted to stay in the Medium Partner Program.

That’s when I started to make more of an effort to really gain followers.

First let’s look at the stats.

As you can see, I started off 2021 with only 13 followers. That number stayed the same for 3 months. I honestly wasn’t making much effort and didn’t even publish a single story during those 3 months, and it shows.

In April I started publishing again, but I didn’t really know what I was doing. I slowly learned after trial and error and eventually saw a huge change in the month of September 2021 when I tripled my followers in one month!

I want to to share with you how I did it so you can reach your goal of 100 followers as well.

1. Publish regularly

In the month of September I published 16 stories. Not a story a day but about 3 per week. I only published 5 stories in August so I tripled my story output. Before that I was only writing a few stories a month here and there. Really putting the effort into publishing on a regular basis definitely helped make a difference.

2. Write for multiple publications

In the month of September I wrote for 6 different publications. Previously I mostly wrote for just one, Be Open. I was having pretty good success with them. My most popular article, 10 Reasons Why a Guy Might Not Pursue You Even if He Likes You, is published with them, but I decided I needed to branch out to reach my goal.

I found publications I was interested in and applied. I didn’t get into all of them, I didn’t even get a response from some, but I was accepted into many that I applied for. After getting accepted I made sure to try and send a story. By doing so I got follows from many of the editors I worked with and also many other members who follow those publications. This made for more eyes on my work overall.

3. Comment on stories you enjoy

When you add comments to stories you enjoy it not only helps the author of the story but it actually can help you as well.

For one it helps to build a connection with the author of story you are commenting on. For two it allows other readers to see your comment and possibly follow you.

Just make sure your comments are adding value and are meaningful. Don’t just write a basic, “good story” to each story, that’s just a waste of your time. Actually read the story and add a comment that is relevant. Of course thank the author for sharing, but also add what you liked about the story, what you agreed with or what you found interesting.

I would like to say comment and clap, but I feel like clapping doesn’t do much for gaining followers. It does help the author and is great for a story you enjoyed reading, but if you are trying to gain followers, comments are the way to go. No one but the author really looks at who claps.

4. Find other people who need 100 followers

This was a huge turning point. I found a few other authors who also needed to get to 100 followers. We all kinda banded together and followed one another. And others who wanted to help also followed us. It was pretty cool! I definitely felt a sense of community here on Medium which is something you don’t always get on other sites.

Many of these authors wrote a story offering to help people with less than 100 followers or they themselves were in need of followers and wrote a story requesting help. Usually you just leave a comment saying you are working towards your goal of 100 followers and kind people who find you interesting will follow! Just make sure to return the favor and help out some of your fellow writers who are in need.

If you are on your quest to get 100 followers, don’t give up hope! I didn’t expect to get such good results in a month but anything is possible.

Be consistent, be friendly and keep on writing!

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