How I Earn a Full-Time Income by Sharing My Faith
My journey as a full-time Catholic writer

In my article “When God Called Me To Be a Writer”, I wrote about my experience after I decided to leave my Accounting and Audit career.
It was not an easy journey. There were times when I wanted to turn back. And there were so many times when I asked myself whether I was doing the right thing.
Through it all, what sustained me was the conviction that I was doing something valuable, something that God has planned all along for me.
You see, we do not always end up where we thought we should be. A person who envisioned being a doctor can end up being a chef. A woman who dreamed of being a wife could be called to enter religious life.
As for me, I’m currently single and in my late forties.
I don’t feel called to married life or religious life. But I can honestly say that I have this sense of peace within me. And I feel happy that God has entrusted me with the vocation of writing for my faith. Yes, of writing about Him and of His Love for all of us.
Being single, I have no husband to rely on. Neither do I have a religious community that could help me with my needs. Thankfully, God has sustained me and has proven to be my Provider and Friend through it all.
Would you like to take a peek at how I currently support myself by sharing my faith?
Here are some of my current sources of income as a single Catholic writer:
1. Book sales
I have written books about various topics including grief, relationships and self-improvement. Most of my books though are centered on my Catholic faith. I sell them online through Amazon and other digital stores. Here are some of my published books:
Of Waves and Butterflies: Poems on Grief
The links to the above books are from Amazon. For other digital stores like Apple, Barnes & Noble, Kobo and more, here is the link.
2. Google Ads
I earn from AdSense through my website and Android applications. They used to be my main source of income when I started to work as a freelancer, but it declined gradually through the years.
Here is my personal blog: I Take Off the Mask
And here are some of my Android applications you can download from Google Play:
Catholic Answers & Apologetics
God’s Love — Quotes & Meditations
3. Substack subscription
Currently, my Substack blog “Single Catholic Writer” has more than 1,500 subscribers. I earn from a few paid ones, and I hope to make that number grow more.
4. YouTube Partner Program
I currently administer a Catholic YouTube channel that has 24,000 subscribers. It isn’t easy to grow your channel these days over a short period of time. But if you would like to do so, you need to start so you can make progress and qualify for the program.
If you want to visit our channel, you can subscribe to Missionaries of Christ.
Here is a devotional video from this channel: